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Vicious Fae by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Writer's picture: Alisha EadleAlisha Eadle

Vicious Fae

by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti


Book 3 in the Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac

The King will fall.

While I continue my hunt for the Fae who killed my brother, I have to try to keep my heart away from the vicious boys who could be responsible for his death.

But as my investigation leads me down a dangerous road and answers seem closer than ever before, I'm whisked away to the elite school, Zodiac Academy, with the four Kings and my heart becomes more vulnerable than ever.

(BAHAHA - this GIF doesn't have anything to do with this book really. But, I'm cackling)

Age Recommendation:



Urban Fantasy

Reverse Harem


Vicious Fae by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti is the third book in their Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac series, and begins right where we left off in the last book. No closer to the answers regarding her brothers murder, Elise tries to keep herself from falling in love with her suspects, while keeping them close for information. As her investigation gets more intense, and she gets closer to the information she needs, she and the kings are brought to Zodiac Academy for a week long student exchange. Zodiac Academy has some answers though, and as she gets closer to the truth, she gets closer to her kings.

Hey, this one was better! I mean, don't get me wrong - this book is seriously still too heavy on the romance/sex. And this is coming from me - a romance/sexy times obsessed book nerd. And when I say too much ... it's too much. I get there is four guys, and they all need equal time, but isn't there a murder to solve. I kinda felt that Gabriel was more focused on getting to the truth than Elise. Too much peen in the way. And that's not judging. This is my first reverse harem, and I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would. I just wish that we got more story with substance in regards to Elise. Most of this book she is flirting or fucking, and I was left wondering what happened to the Elise at the beginning of the series. The one who was hell bent on the truth, and more focused. I hate that these books are ALL relationship building and sex, until the end, when the authors need to put some actual plot in there to sustain the story. I was hoping by the third book, we would be moving in the right direction. We are starting to get somewhere though. Especially now that Elise has finally admitted to herself that the kings, while guilty of a lot of things, didn't kill her brother, and she has them backing her up.

Am I going to continue the series? Of course. Zodiac Academy made me love this world, and I'm not hating this series. I just wish it was more. That cliffhanger at the end though, broke me. Like, for the first time in this series, I was crying. What the heck? What is going on? Must ... continue ... series ... damn ... you ... Caroline Peckham ... and ... Susanne Valenti.

  1. Elise biting Gabriel for the first time, and him liking it

  2. The video Leon and Elise made for Dante

  3. Gabriel telling Elise the truth, and Elise understanding

  4. Gabriel coming to watch Elise play Pitball

  5. "Just four." lol

  6. Ryder and Elise getting around the rules

  7. Dante telling Elise he loved her

  8. The Lion King

  9. Gabriel telling Elise about his tattoos (and a hint to Zodiac Academy)

  10. Dante bring Elise to Ryder because he knew he was the only one who could save her ... and them both sleeping in the same room with her

  11. Roary catching Leon, Elise and Dante

  12. Leon and Elise's "gift" for Dante

  13. Elise getting turned on by Ryder's plan to murder Nightshade, and Gabriel scolding her for it.

  14. Ryder's hallucination making Gabriel honk and look like Big Bird

  15. Ryder threatening to drop Elise in the fountain

  16. Dante and Elise's sexy phone call, and Dante accidentally electrocuting Leon when he came

  17. Leon's excitement over meeting Orion ... which by the way LANCE ORION!

  18. Gabriel helping Elise get information from Professor King

  19. Leon naming each of the harem after characters in the Lion King

  20. the guys reaction to Elise's dress

  21. Elise swiping the cigar and drink from Lionel when he was trying to freeze her out

  22. Seth hitting on Elise despite being 5 years younger than her had me laughing because its so ... Seth

  23. Elise finally telling the guys the truth

  24. Orion holding Elise down in the mud at the end of the game, to tell her she played a good game

  25. Elise teaching Ryder to dance


  27. Orion after he had a lust potion and him trying to get with Gabriel was the highlight of this book I swear

  28. Ryder killing Nightshade

Dante: “I shouldn’t have taken you there tonight, bella,”

Dante breathed, tucking a bloodstained strand of lilac hair behind my ear.

Elise: “No. Everyone knows that the best strippers perform on Thursdays.” Gabriel: “My promises aren’t empty, Elise.”

She yanked her arm free of me with a glare.

Elise: “Words don’t mean anything. Anyone can promise me the moon, but I’ve never seen anyone pull it from the sky.” Elise: “Why do you do shit like that?”

Gabriel shrugged and I rolled my eyes at him.

Elise: “Of course you can’t just be honest with me,”

I muttered as I flipped through my textbook, searching for the page on engorgement potions. I could feel his eyes on me but I ignored him as I continued my hunt.

Gabriel: “Because it feels natural to look after you. So natural that sometimes I forget you don’t want me to.” Leon: “Whoops, you’ve only got one swelling stone there, Dipper,”

Leon said loudly as he moved to join our conversation, tossing four extra stones into Eugene’s cauldron.

Leon: “You need more help engorging than the rest of us, so better add a few more.”

Eugene: “I don’t need extra help engorging,”

Leon: “Are you trying to say you’ve got a swollen dipper in your pants already?”

Leon asked, slapping an arm around Eugene’s shoulders.

Leon: “Because I know you’re hot for my girl but I really don’t think you can handle her.”

Elise: “Leon, don’t be an ass,”

I warned as Eugene’s blush spread right up to his white hairline.

Leon: “I’m not judging, little monster. It’s been suggested that I spilled engorging potion on my lap too, due to the unbelievably enormous size of my dick. Do you wanna help me check?”

I snorted a laugh, pushing his arm off of Eugene so that the poor boy could escape.

Elise: “I have been wondering why the hell it was so hard all the time. I just assumed you were really into learning.”

Leon: “Nah, little monster. I’m really into you. But if you wanna play with this potion when it’s done then maybe we could find out what happens when it gets poured over a pair of perfect tits?” Elise: “If they’re so perfect then why would you want them to be bigger?”

Leon: “You can never have too much of a good thing,” Leon replied with a grin. Ryder: “Don’t cry for me, Elise. I’m not worth your tears.” Elise: “You’re worth every one of them,” Dante: “Eating alone, carina?”

Elise: “I happen to like my own company. But I won’t complain about my favourite Dragon joining me.”

Dante: “Do you know any other Dragons?”

Elise: “No. But I hear they’re all assholes…besides, I bet none of them can dance as well as you.” Text: Gabriel: I’m not afraid of the big bad Wolf leader. Sticks and stones can break my bones but Storm Dragons don’t scare me ;)

I snorted a laugh, a smile tugging at my lips as I sent him another reply.

Elise: Okay. Shall I just tell him it was you then? Save him the effort of the hunt? Gabriel: I wouldn’t mind the excuse to kick his ass for putting you in danger the other night, so go ahead. Elise: I’m not a princess in a tower who needs protecting, I can look after myself, thanks. X

Gabriel: Did you just send me a kiss?

My heart leapt at that suggestion and I was about to reply with a firm no when I glanced back at my last message and realized I had.

Great, now I’m back to flirting with the Harpy. But now that I’ve started it, I guess I can’t really back down…

Elise: Well I told you I like to kiss all of my friends…

Gabriel: Are we friends now then?

Elise: I’m still deciding. So for now you only get kisses via text.

Gabriel: I’ll have to work harder at being a better friend then so I can claim the real deal.

Elise: Good luck with that. X

Leon: “I did a fucking awesome impression of you, admit it.”

Dante: “Yeah. But my dick’s bigger than yours,”

Dante teased and Leon scoffed in return.

Leon: “You wish.” A snort of laughter drew my attention and I looked up to find Ryder biting down on a smirk. Leon noticed too and his smile widened.

Leon: “Do you think I’m funny, ssssnake boy?”

Ryder: “Maybe funny looking, Simba,”

Leon: “You really do love The Lion King, don’t you? Maybe we should watch it together some time.”

Ryder: “In your dreams, Mufasshole,” Her hands began to shake and I reached out, lacing my fingers with hers. I didn’t care what she’d done, I was here for her. In her corner. Always. Gabriel: “Be angry with me,”

I demanded. She wrenched her fangs free and slapped me hard across the face.

Elise: “I am fucking angry.”

She rolled her hips and pleasure resounded through my dick.

Gabriel: “Oh fuck…be more angry,” Her arms closed around me and she brushed her fingers tenderly across my feathers. I shivered as pleasure chased everywhere she touched. Then I kissed her neck, her jaw, her mouth. She was my gift from the stars. My one good thing in this world.

Gabriel: “So you’re not mad?”

I asked with a smirk when I’d caught my breath. She laughed, the sound lighter than air.

Elise: “No Gabriel.”

She caressed my wings again and the sensation seemed to fix some deeply broken thing inside me.

Elise: “I’m not mad.” I scoffed at his blatant flattery and smacked his arm playfully.

Elise: “What are you after?”

Gabriel: “You,” Elise: “I’m not going to let the three of you get into a fight because of my choices. I’ve always been upfront with you about the fact that I don’t want to be tied to one man. This really shouldn’t be surprising anyone!”

Leon" “Fuck, little monster, how many of us are there?”

Leon asked, almost sounding amused though he mainly looked shocked.

Elise: “Just four” Leon: “Did you have something to say?”

Cindy Lou: “I just don’t know why you’re so obsessed with that purple haired bloodsucker,”

she said, flipping a dark lock of hair over her shoulder.

Leon: “Well you just named two of the reasons I’m hot for her so…” I grabbed Dante’s notepad, tearing a page from it and snatching up a pen. I couldn’t draw that well, but what I had in mind didn’t need much artistic skill. The dirty picture I sketched featured a Dragon, a Lion and one very naked Elise with a speech bubble saying Oh my stars! Twelve orgasms?? You guys are the best I’ve ever had! Dante grabbed the page from me, stifling his laughter as he read the words. Then he took the pen from my hand and added to the end of the speech with, and your dicks are HUGE!

Leon: “Nice touch.” I could have grilled their star player, Lance Orion, over brunch. Brunch dammit! We didn’t do brunch in Alestria, unless you counted a hobo licking an old breakfast burrito wrapper at eleven thirty in the morning on the corner of Altair Street. And let’s be honest, no one fucking did count that. Gareth: “I wanna do something big tonight. Something seriously big. Something no one’s ever done.”

Leon: “Well you could take my whole cock in your mouth? That’s big and something no one’s ever managed to do before. But like I said, you’re not really my type.” Ryder: “I still don’t understand the point of this,”

Elise: “When people like each other, they do shit like this,”

Ryder: “Well I might have admitted to liking you, but the Lion is a different matter.”

Leon: “The Lion has exceptionally good hearing. And if you care about our girl as much as you should then you should want to make her happy. Which means becoming the Nala to my Simba.”

Ryder: “Nala ends up married to Simba. I don’t know what kind of fantasies you’ve been having about me, but I can assure you that outcome is not in your future,” Gabriel: “I don’t want to argue with you anymore, Elise,”

Elise: “So don’t. Just accept who I am and what I need and then we can just carry on…”

I trailed my fingertips down his chest and he groaned as he knocked his head back against his pillow.

Gabriel: “Who you need, you mean,”

he muttered and the tone of his voice let me know that he still didn’t accept it at all. I sighed, stilling my movements as I looked down at him.

Elise: “Are we arguing again then?”

Gabriel: “No. We’re just…not not arguing.” Ryder: “You think your tiny cock could satisfy a girl like her?”

Dante: “You just saw it, stronzo, so let’s not play dumb.”

He sneered and I blew out a breath of laughter.

Ryder: “As if I’d bother to look at your midget dick.”

Dante: “You really wanna play who’s got the bigger cock?”

Dante asked in a challenge, reaching for his waistband.

Dante: “Because I don’t think you can handle it.” Ryder: “Handle it? I once got my dick out in front of a girl and she thought I’d shifted.” Leon: “Can’t you just go and tell whoever is looking that Dante will be there in like twenty minutes?”

Roary: “I’d have guessed more like five at the pace you were all going at. But as his mamma just told the pups to hunt him down, I’m guessing I’ve actually saved you a touch more embarrassment. I mean, I know what I just found you guys doing but imagine what little Fabrizio would say.”

He dipped his voice to imitate a small child as he continued.

Roary: “Mamma, mamma, I just found Dolce Drago by the stables playing with his friends. They were catching snakes and Elise won because she caught two!” Ryder: “Well if it isn’t Big Bird on a day out from Sesame Street. What’s the matter? Do you need to talk to someone about how Elmo’s been touching you inappropriately?” Gabriel: “Hold the fuck on, we aren’t going to kill a member of faculty,”

I said in disbelief, looking to Elise. She was gazing at Ryder with her lips parted and her cheeks flushed. Was she actually turned on by this fucking psycho??

Gabriel: Elise,”

I snarled and she snapped around to look at me, her blush deepening.

Elise: “Yeah, right. Of course we’re not going to murder Nightshade.”

She mock saluted me and I narrowed my eyes on her. Elise: “We might as well interrogate her. Maybe she’ll tell me who killed Gareth once and for all. And if the FIB come for me, then at least I’ll have a chance to get to his killer first.”

Ryder: “I’m really fucking hard for you right now,”

Ryder commented and I glowered at him.

Gabriel: “She needs our help, asshole, so maybe keep your dick in your pants, yeah?” Leon: “Twenty six minute warning! Don’t spend too much time putting your make-up on, Ryder! You look beautiful as you are.”

Ryder: “Go fuck yourself, Mufasa,” A woman stood waiting for us with soft features and dark hair pulled up into a tight bun. But I didn’t give one single shit about her. I gave all my shits to the guy beside her.

He towered over her, his muscles stretching out the white T-shirt and jeans he wore. His raven hair was swept back and his cut-from-glass face made me shriek like a fucking school girl. I ran forward and his eyes widened in alarm as I crashed into him, dragging him into a bone-crushing hug.

Lance Orion was the best fucking Airsentry in all of the academies. He was tipped to be picked up by the Solarian Pitball League after he graduated. He might play for the fucking Skylarks one day. And I’d met him. I ran my tongue up one side of his face. And I’d licked him too. Which made him mine.

Orion: “By the stars.”

He tried to shove me off, but I held on tight, swiveling around and holding my camera up high to snap a picture of us together. His Vampire fangs had popped out and I almost considered letting him take a bite out of me so I could get a picture of that too. I dropped my boxers and stepped out of them.

Orion: “No shifting on the pitch!”

Orion commanded as he shot up behind me, but I wasn’t about to shift. I dropped to the ground, rolling across the grass and feeling its perfect little stalks rubbing against every inch of my naked skin. I pushed my fingers into its silky strands and tugged with delight before rolling across it once more.

Orion: “Not cool, asshole!”

Orion called as I rolled all the way across the pitch.

Orion: “Do you really have to – oh for fuck’s sake.” Someone caught me by the arm before I licked it and Orion yanked me back a step. Amusement sparkled in his gaze, but his features were stern.

Orion: “Stop molesting my pitch,”

he demanded and I nodded, moving forward and wrapping my arms around him.

Leon: “Thank you for the best day of my life. And I’m sorry about my hard on.” Elise: “I don’t need your help,”

I replied stubbornly, though in all honesty I wouldn’t mind having him there for backup.

Gabriel: “Well you’re getting it. Besides, I can fly us there and you won’t even have to try and escape via the front door.”

Elise: “Why would I need to escape?”

I asked in confusion. A fist suddenly started hammering at my door and I looked around in concern as Ryder started shouting.

Ryder: “Open this fucking door, Elise! I know what you’re doing!”

he bellowed. I looked back to Gabriel and found a smile tugging at his lips as he offered me his hand. Gabriel: “I can’t wait until we’re bonded by the stars, Elise. When they bring us together, I just know that everything will be alright somehow.” Elise: “Can you taste cherries?”

Ryder: “No.”

I brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

Ryder: “I can taste my own soul, because it’s the exact same flavour as yours.” Elise: “Are you saying my room isn’t tidy?”

Leon: “It’s…fine. It’s just not Lance Orion fine,”

he replied, narrowing his eyes at a towel I’d tossed over the sink for when I got out.

Elise: “You invited him?”

Leon: “Yeah I asked him. Twenty four times. Until he agreed. Which he just did.”

Leon pulled his Atlas from his pocket and waved a message from Orion at me with the biggest grin on his face. It was one word. Fine. Orion: “What’s the deal with you guys?”

Orion asked instead of challenging me, his gaze skipping between the others and landing on me like he couldn’t figure it out.

Orion: “If you were a Wolf pack I’d get it, but…”

Leon: “We’re not a pack. We’re a pride. But instead of a King with a bunch of lionesses we have a Queen with a bunch of Lions.”

Ryder: “I’m not a fucking Lion,”

Leon: “You are. You’re Scar, Dante’s Mufasa and I’m Simba and Gabe is…Zazu.”

Gabriel: “Don’t call me Gabe,”

Elise: “Mine,”

I growled possessively, claiming each and every one of them in the same breath.

Orion: “Yeah,”

Orion said, snorting a laugh as he healed himself.

Orion: “They’re yours, psycho. And just so you know, you broke about eight of the rules in the Vampire Code then. Did you really have to go for my balls? Twice?” Dante: “Sei più bella del sole."

Gabriel: "You look like the angel you are, Elise,”

Leon: “Fuck me on a toadstool. You look gorgeous, little monster.”

Ryder made a strained noise, sweeping a hand over his closely cropped hair. She blushed as she gazed between us all.

Elise: “Oh thanks.” Dante: “Ah, there it is. The real reason I’m here. So what is it then, High Lord Acrux? What is it about me that keeps you up at night? I’m guessing it’s not my ten inch dick.” Dante: “So what? Do you want me to join your Dragon club so you can parade me around like some trophy wife?”

Elise: “He’s already got one of those,” Dante: “If I choose to marry, it will be for love. And if my wife bore me children, I wouldn’t disrespect her by bringing mistresses into our marriage bed. A morte e ritorno. Dante: “I’ll always look after you, amore mio,”

Elise: “I’ll always look after you too,”

Dante: “Per sempre,”

Elise: “Forever,” Rosalie snarled in rage and punched Dante in the kidney as hard as she could. He let out an oomph of pain, releasing her as she cursed at him.

Rosalie: “Per me sei morto, Dante! Ti odio!

she snarled before turning and running away from us as fast as she could. Dante laughed and I swatted him on the arm.

Elise: Asshole. What did she just say to you anyway?”

Dante: “That I’m dead to her and she hates me,”

he replied with amusement and Roary laughed too. Elise: “What are you thinking?”

Ryder: “I’m thinking…that you helped me remember that I can feel more than the words painted on my knuckles.”

Her brows lifted and warmth spread through her eyes.

Elise: “I want you to feel everything, Ryder. The good, the bad. That’s what living is.” Orion: “By the stars, you’re hot,”

Orion breathed, leaning in closer with a dark expression on his face.

Orion: “I bet you have a big dick too.” Gabriel: “What?”

I balked, leaning away from him as he reached out to cup my cheek.

Orion: “All those muscles look like they need some attention,”

he growled, taking my hand as I slid down into another seat.

Orion: “Stop running away, Noxy, let me make you feel good. No one can see us here.”

Gabriel: “I’m not into guys, dude.”

I slid further away and his eyes sparkled with a reddish glow. My gaze fell on the Oreo packet discarded on the ground and I inhaled sharply, tossing away the one in my hand.

Gabriel: “You’ve been drugged with a lust potion, idiot.” He didn’t even react to being held high up above the ground, instead he tried to kiss me again and I couldn’t do much to stop him pressing his mouth to my cheek then my jaw, my neck.

Gabriel: “Lance!”

I snapped and he tipped his head back with a frown.

Orion: “What’s wrong, baby?”

I tried not to laugh but shit, having this beast of a Pitball player giving me his bed eyes was kind of hilarious. Orion: “What are you doing, Noxy?”

he purred, rising from his seat as I started placing the ingredients into it.

Gabriel; “I’m making you a special drink.”

He growled appreciatively then started unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his muscular chest, letting it drop to the floor as he pushed a hand into his hair.

Orion: “Are we gonna do it over a desk? Is that your filthy fantasy? I like being in control.”

He moved behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist and grinding his hard dick into my ass. I straightened in surprise and turned to him, pushing him back a step and raising my palm. I used my earth magic to bind his wrists in front of him which he seemed even more excited by. So I tethered him to a desk a few feet away from me and his fangs extended as he gazed at me.

Orion: “Do you like it rough?”

he asked in a low voice and I snorted a laugh as I returned to the potion while he started describing several filthy positions he wanted me in and how he was gonna bite me until I screamed.

Gabriel: “You were given a lust potion,”

Orion: “Shit. “Coach told me not to accept gifts from anyone. But it was just a pack of Oreos…”

He shook his head.

Orion: “Katie Episcopo is so dead for doing this to me.”

He looked to me with an awkward expression.

Orion: “Sorry about…you know.”

Gabriel: “It was pretty fucking funny until you rubbed your dick against my ass,”

I said, a laugh tearing from my throat. He patted the space beside him and I cocked a brow.

Gabriel: “You’re not going to try and fuck me again are you?”

He laughed.

Orion: “In your dreams, Noxy.”

A grin pulled at my mouth.

Gabriel: “Only in yours, Orion. Or should I call you Orio?” Elise: “Is there a point during the time in which you have known me that you got the impression that I was some kind of damsel in distress? Or that I required saving?”

I demanded in a hard voice. The four of them looked at me with concern in their eyes, but none of them could claim I’d ever been either of those things.

Elise: “Good. Because I’m not some soldier in this war. I’m your goddamn commander, your ruler, your fucking queen. So we will stick to the plan the way that I laid it out and you’ll all listen to me when I give you commands, or you might as well fuck off back to your dorms right now. This isn’t a negotiation. We’re here because of my brother. And we’re doing this my way.”

There was a beat of silence then Ryder’s lips twitched with amusement.

Ryder: “Yes, your majesty,” Ryder: “Wake up you stupid peacock. If you die here, Elise will have my balls for it.” Elise: “I am Sir Lancelot and you are my moley grail,” Elise: “I love you! I love you Ryder! You’re mine and I’m yours.” Ryder: “Shift back you ten ton pussy cat,” Dante: “Ritorna da me, caro amico,” Elise: “Don’t ever leave me again, Leon,”

she demanded, drawing back and emotion burned from her eyes. I wanted to say it was love, but maybe I wasn’t quite that lucky.

Leon: “Leo,”

I corrected in a low tone, running my thumb over her cheek to wipe away her tears.

Leon: “And can I not even leave you when I need a piss?”

I joked and her face split into a grin.

Elise: “Not even when you need a shit,”

she tossed back and I roared a laugh. Leon: “That’s gonna be awkward, but if you’re sure, little monster.” Dante tossed me my pants and sneakers and I dragged them on, finding a pile of items lying beside me as I moved to get up. I scooped them into my hand, recognizing the Oscura tradition of tokens for the dead. At least they’d sent me off nice, but had they been planning on leaving me down here or carrying a ten ton Lion back up to the surface? Also, where the fuck was my Ryder token? I pocketed the lot with a smirk then glanced down at my shoulder which was marked with a red handprint. Oh there it is. I looked to Ryder with a grin and he scowled like I’d kicked him in the dick. I know you love me, Rydikins. Your secret is out.

Leon: Did Gabe like me? Definitely did. Which meant I’d just won the Elise’s Harem Boys Bingo. Leon: “I know it’s not what you would have chosen. But the stars think we’re perfect for each other, Elise. And I think I might just agree with them.” Leon: “I’ve stolen more treasures than I can count in my lifetime, but you’re the only thing I’ve ever tried to earn. I just hope that I can be enough for you…”

Elise: “You’re more than enough for me. You’re my Lion. And there isn’t a universe in which I’d ever say no to you.” Dante: “Sarei stato tuo in un'altra vita, amore mio,”


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