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Throne of Glass Bonus Chapters by Sarah J Maas

Writer: Alisha EadleAlisha Eadle

Updated: 3 days ago

Here are some bonus and deleted scenes from the Throne of Glass Series.

In this brand-new, never-before-published scene, Chaol and Dorian discuss the deadly competition that awaits in Throne of Glass.

There's a special assassin they've heard of, but no one knows if she's fit for the grueling task - of if she's even alive, for that matter.

Their only option is to travel to the Salt Mines and find out ...

Dorian: "Rumor claimed Sardothien was the best. Who better to be my father's Champion? Besides, I heard she was pretty, too."

He grinned.

Dorian: "Why not have something pleasant to look at during the competition?"


Celaena comes back to the glass castle after her first assignment from the king, and finds the Captain of the Guard, Chaol, waiting for her.

You can read it here (along with all the other bonus content)

She clicked her tongue and dismounted, tossing the reins to one of the

awaiting guards as she turned to face the captain.

Celaena: “What—no flowers?”

The frown deepened. She smiled broadly.

Celaena: “Will it be a whipping, or the rack, or shall I just be forced to attend the Queen’s Court for an afternoon?”

They were halfway up the long path before he quietly said,

Chaol: “Were you hurt at all?”

She snorted.

Celaena: “Killing men in their beds doesn’t involve much risk.”

His eyes narrowed.

And though she knew she shouldn’t, she added,

Celaena: “Or involve much honor. That’s what you’re thinking, right?”

A muscle feathered in his jaw.

Chaol: “I know what your position entails.”

Chaol: “Just... be polite. Submissive.”

Celaena: “Now that is a true challenge worthy of me.”


The Assassin and the Princess is a short story/scene that takes place in between Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight. It was written by Sarah J Maas for the Crown of Midnight Blog Tour. You can read it here.

Celaena: “It’s…a bit daring. People would be scandalized.”

The princess grinned.

Nehemia: “Who better to wear it then?”

Celaena found herself grinning as well.

Celaena: “Who indeed?”

Nehemia: “The Captain won’t know what to do with himself.”

Celaena shot her a glare over a shoulder.

Celaena: “He’s not my concern.”

Though she could almost imagine Chaol’s face at the sight of the gown: tight-lipped, wide-eyed, a bit confounded and more than a bit angry. She could almost hear him, too, the claims he’d make about the King’s Champion spending such exorbitant sums on little more than scraps of cloth, the reputation she had to uphold now that she was employed by the king… Oh, she should buy the dress, if only to piss Chaol off.

Kavill: “Here,”

Kavill said, and she turned to find a pair of exquisite dove-gray suede gloves in his hands.

Kavill: “On the house. For many years of loyal patronage.”

His face bore its usual mask of polite calm and courtesy, but his brown eyes were bright.

Kavill: “And a gift—for a year spent without any gloves at all.”

Celaena: “Do you ever wonder what it’d be like if we truly were ordinary people?”

The princess chewed on her lip.

Nehemia: “Sometimes.”

Celaena: “Do you ever wish you were? Ordinary, I mean.”

Nehemia was quiet for a long moment, her eyes distant, as if she beheld some far-off land, warm and vibrant, its grasslands undulating under a hot summer sun.

Nehemia: “It is my most selfish wish and daydream—to be normal, to be ordinary, to be free of my burdens.”

Celaena: “I don’t have an interest in normal friends. Even if I were just an ordinary girl, I wouldn’t want to be surrounded by ordinary folk. No, I’ll take the rebel princesses and the sons of kings and the grumpy captains and the whores and the thieves any day. And I’d take you over a thousand ordinary girls.


Thank you to theillyrianwolfgirl on wattpad for typing out the deleted scenes for Heir of Fire.

You can read the deleted scenes here.

Celaena: "What's your favorite food?"

Lounging on a boulder like a lizard in the sun, Celaena chucked a nut in the air and caught it in her mouth.

Rowan: "Whatever keeps me alive at the moment,"

Rowan said from beside her, forearms braces on his knees as he monitored the foothills and valleys of Wendlyn rippling away below.

She clicked her tongue.

Celaena: "Could you be any more of an animal?"

He slid a glance in her direction, lifting a brow as if to say, You remember what my other form is, don't you?

When she only scowled, he sighed.

Rowan: "There's a street vendor in Doranelle who sells meat on a stick."

Celaena: "Meat on a stick,"

Celaena said as steadily as she could, fighting to keep her lips in a straight line.

Rowan: "I - need your help."

Celaena: "Ah. So that's why you let me have an afternoon of peace."

Celaena: "She was practically clawing at you."

Rowan: "She can claw all she wants, but I'm not making that mistake again."

Celaena: "Sounds like you made that mistake a few times."

Rowan leveled a vicious gaze at her.

Rowan: "It was over the course of a season, and then I came to my senses."

Celaena: "Mmmmm."

He stabbed the knife into the table and stalked to the bed until he glowered over her. Celaena lay as she was, brows high and lips pressed together.

Rowan: "One laugh,"

he warned.

Rowan: "Just one laugh, and I'm going to dump you in the nearest pond."

She shook with the effort to keep her howl inside.

Rowan was going to kill her. As soon as they resumed training, he was going to murder her. And then murder her again.

Remelle: "Well, I suppse that's good news for Benson."

Rowan: "What?"

Remelle: "He has needs that must be attended to, and he finds her attractive enough. Mauve said it was more than fine if she -"

Rowan: "If Benson lays one finger on her, he's going to find himself without his insides."

Celaena: "The next time you insult my friend, I'm going to shove your face into whatever plate is in front of you."

Fire erupted, and Remelle's scream echoed off the stones.

Living flame wrapped around the lady, not burning, not singing, just - encasing. Even the hand on Rowan was aflame, and through the column of gold-and-red fire, Remelle's eyes were wide as she turned to Essar and said,

Remelle: "Release me."

But Essar only looked at Celaena.

Essar: "It's not my magic."

Rowan went perfectly still as Celaena willed the flame to allow a lick of heat through. Not enough to burn, but enough to make Remelle start sweating. And then Celaena said,

Celaena: "If you ever raise a whip to anyone, I will find you, and I will make sure these flames burn."

She had to admit; Remelle had no small amount of courage, especially as the woman seethed,

Remelle: "How dare you threaten a lady of Doranelle."

Celaena laughed under her breath.

Celaena: "The next time you touch Rowan without his permission, I will burn you into ashes."

She turned her head to Benson.

Celaena: "And if you look at me or any female like that again, I will melt your bones before you have a chance to scream."

Benson, wisely, nodded and averted his gaze.

Rowan: "So bloodthirsty."

Celaena: "Is that a problem for you?"

Rowan: "I find it endearing."

Celaena: "It scared me that ..."

It scared me that I've come to care so much about you that I'd draw that sort of line in the sand. It scared me that I would burn and main and kill for you, and yet - and yet at the end of the day, you still belong to Maeve, and there is nothing I can do, no amount of burning and maiming and killing, to keep you with me.

He released her hand - only to slide his own against her cheek, the gesture so unexpected that she closed her eyes and leaned into it, hearing the unspoken words in the touch.

I know.

A threat had been made against those Aelin saw as hers. Such things were to be dealt with swiftly and brutally. Interesting - so interesting for that side of the princess to have come to the surface.

And she had claimed him.

Essar: "We have known each other for a while now. Through all the centuries, I have never seen you present another female as your equal - as your friend. And I do not think you did it because of who she is."

Rowan opened his mouth, but she said,

Essar: "I would not take that gift away from you, Rowan. Because it is a gift. She is a gift - to the world, and to you."

Essar: "She is going to fight for you, Rowan,"

Essar said, looking over a shoulder.

Essar: "And you deserve it, after all this time. You deserve to have someone who will burn the earth to ash for you."


After a hard-fought journey, the Queen of Terrasen has finally returned to her beloved kingdom. But Aelin's territory is not as she remembered. Adarlan has burned villages into smoldering ruins and left its people brutally scarred—if they were left alive at all.

Even though Adarlan's armies are at last marching out of Terrasen, the roads are still watched enough that Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, Lysandra, and Evangeline keep hidden in the shadows of Oakwald Forest as they travel to Orynth, the capital. But when supplies run low, the newly formed court must risk venturing into one of those hard-hit surviving villages to restock their stores.

What they discover is not at all what Aelin and her friends anticipate—something far more precious than supplies . . .Read on for an exclusive look at an afternoon Aelin and her court will not soon forget, and one that may forever shape her vision of Terrasen's future.

Scroll down to read this chapter here.


Lysandra: "The people seemed friendly enough. I could buy what we need and be done in an hour or so. Then meet you in the forest with a wagon."

Aelin at last drew her attention away from the village and valley. Lysandra wore her human form - rare, these days.

Aelin: "I assume you'd do this as .... a man?"

Lysandra braced her hands on her hips.

Lysandra: "No, as a squirrel."

Evangeline: "If you turn into a squirrel,"

Evangeline said into Lysandra's road-dusty white shirt,

Evangeline: "will you travel on my shoulder and let me make an acorn hat for you to wear?"

Aelin: "You have an actual house?"

Rowan: "Many, actually - properties owned by my parents, and going back generations."

Aelin: "I suppose you redecorated them in warrior-squalor."

He rolled his eyes, stalking over to her.

Aelin: "You looked at me while we were running through the trees, and you smiled."

She swallowed.

Aelin: "And you looked ... you looked so alive, so wild and alive, and ..."

She traced the contours of his mouth.

Aelin: "I think that was the moment when I began to want you. I didn't know it at the time, but ... I think it was then. You were real and wicked and as savage as I was, and when you saw my speed and the Fae heritage and you didn't balk ... When you only smiled at me ... No one had ever done that before. You saw all of me, yet you still smiled."

Aelin: "Do not be afraid of what makes you shine brightly."

Evangeline: "What kind of treatments?"

Those citrine eyes were so large, so full of ... hope. Fear, yes, but hope.

Rowan: "The kind that might hurt you a great deal before the scars got better."

Evangeline: "But they would go away?"

Rowan: "Perhaps."

Aedion scuffed his boot against the dirt.

Aedion: "You don't need it, Evangeline. You're perfect as you are."

The next morning, Evangeline's squeal of delight was nearly loud enough to wake the dead slumbering in their hill tombs to the south.

Lysandra remained in squirrel form throughout the day, and the next one after that, and wore her acorn hat as proudly as any fine lady while she rode atop Evangeline's shoulder.


Chaol Westfall has always defined himself by his unwavering loyalty, his

strength, and his position as the Captain of the Guard. But all of that has changed

since the glass castle shattered, since his men were slaughtered, and since the

King of Adarlan spared him from a killing blow but left his body broken.

His only shot at recovery lies with the legendary healers of the Torre Cesme,

in Antica-the stronghold of the southern continent's mighty empire. And with

war looming over Dorian and Aelin back home, their only chance at survival

might lie with Chaol and Nesryn convincing Antica's rulers to ally with them.

Read on for an exclusive glimpse into Chaol and Nesryn journey across the

sea— the beginnings of an adventure that may doom or save those they love


Read it here


Chaol: "She's allowed to fall in and out of love as she chooses."

Nesryn: "And have you fallen out of love with her?"

Chaol: "This spring and summer was a maelstrom,"

he said tightly, glancing at the burned handprint peeking from beneath a stack of papers across the desk.

Chaol: "Between Dorian, and all that happened ... Everything fell apart. If the price of getting Dorian back was losing her, then so be it."

Nesryn: "You didn't answer my question."

Chaol: "I'm here with you, aren't I?"

Nesryn: "Yes, but that doesn't mean you want to be."

Instinct had him pushing off the desk - to stand. And his rage as his body refused to move, as his legs didn't respond -

Chaol: "Am I supposed to lie in bed and weep over it? That I was not the man she wanted? Am I supposed to mourn the fact that the dream I had, the plans I made, were all for a woman who did not exist? Loving an assassin with no responsibilities is completely different from loving a queen with a kingdom and a world to look after. Would I have loved her if I had known from the start what she is?"

He shook his head.

Chaol: "If I had met her now ... my first instinct would have been to protect Dorian from her. I expect the khagan to feel the same."

His words sank in, one by one. He added more calmly, running a hand over his face,

Chaol: "That's the difference. Celaena was a fraction of Aelin - both good and bad. But Aelin ... She is Celaena, and she is queen, and she is the Fire-Bringer. I fell in love with a facet, and I panicked when I realixed it was a fraction of the whole - when I saw that power, that heritage, and ... It was not a part of my plans."

He looked to the sea gleaming behind her, the wind whipping the waves.

Chaol: "Rowan Whitethorn saw everything. From the moment he met her, he saw all of Aelin. And he was not afraid. I don't blame either of them for falling in love. I don't blame her."

He loosed a shuddering breath.

Chaol: "I was what Celaena needed after Endovier. But Rowan is who Aelin needs - forever."


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