The Book of Azrael
by Amber V. Nicole
Published by Rose & Star Publishing
Book 1 in the Gods and Monsters Series
World Ender meets Ender of Worlds...
A thousand years ago, Dianna gave up her life in the deserts of Eoria to save her dying sister. She called upon anyone who would listen, not expecting a monster far worse than any nightmare to answer. Now she does what Kaden asks, even if that means securing an ancient relic from the very creatures that hunt her.
A King thought long dead and long forgotten.
In the old world his name was Samkiel. In the new world it is Liam, but one title remains true throughout time. He is the World Ender, a myth to his enemies, a savior and King to those loyal to him. After the Gods War, he locked himself away, hiding from the world. He denied his crown and responsibilities, leaving the very ones who needed him most to deal with the fallout of the death of their homeworld. Now an attack on those he holds dear sends him back to the one realm he never wished to visit again and into the sights of an enemy he thought imprisoned eons ago.Now enemies older than time must put aside their differences and work together in hopes of saving both their world and every realm in between.
Torture, Death, Murder, Depression and Anxiety, Public Murder of a Loved One, Trauma from war
I. Loved. This. Book.
The storyline!
The chemistry!
The tension!
The romance!
AHHH! It was soooooooo good!
Dianna is such an interesting character. She is complicated, and sometimes I wanted to shake her and ask her what she was doing, but ultimately, I understood the whys. Amber did an amazing job writing such a layered character. While I didn't always love her choices, I understood them. Understood her, and how she operates.
Not only was she absolutely badass, Amber made me smile and laugh with Dianna's humor and snark.
Which played off so, so beautifully with Samkiel/Liam.
Samkiel, who is broken. All powerful, but doesn't want it. Samkiel who is honorable, and serious, and doesn't know how to take Dianna's sarcastic quips, even in the face of pain.
The way Amber wrote these two characters, two broken souls who reluctantly come together to better the lives of those they love was so brilliantly done. Slow, but not too slow. Dianna and Samkiel develop a friendship before anything happens between them, and when it does, it's explosive.
The side characters were equally interesting. The Hand. Gabby. Drake and Camilla. Even the villains in this book were interesting. And while there are times you might wonder why Amber is putting so much work into the stories of the side characters, once you get to the end, and recognize just how important those arcs are to Dianna and Samkiel's stories, it just makes The Book of Azrael so much better.
The Book of Azrael was nothing like I expected. The world building was dense, without being difficult to keep track or or understand. The politics were interesting. The people and characters fascinating. Honestly, the only thing I ended up not enjoying in this book was the ending scene, because it reminded me a bit too much of a scene from True Blood, and came off a tiny bit cheesy. Everything else - perfect. I can't wait to continue this series.

Dianna: “I don’t want to do this.”
My voice cracked, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care if he saw it as a weakness. He dropped his fists, his expression softening.
Drake: “Then don’t. You are one of my best friends, Dianna. I don’t want to fight you. You’re just as strong as him, if not more so. Stay with me, with us. We can help and protect each other.”
I smiled softly, knowing he meant every word he said. Then I was in front of him. His eyes went wide as his mouth gaped open once, then twice. He looked down at my fist lodged in his chest. My hand curled around his heart, and I felt it beat. His life was in my palm.
Dianna: “I said I didn’t want to. Not that I wouldn’t.”
He smiled at me as his hands touched my wrist.
Drake: “Better to die by what you think is right than to live under a lie.”
Dianna: “Well, well, well, this explains why you didn’t answer my text messages!”
I proclaimed loudly, placing my hands on my hips.
That got her attention. Gabby jolted upright, grabbing the sheet to her chest as her lover turned to stare blearily at me over his shoulder. The toppled shaggy hair confirmed the identity of the man sharing my sister’s bed.
A grin of delight curved my lips.
Dianna: “No way! You finally gave Big Dick Rick a chance?”
Gabby: “Dianna!”
Gabby grabbed a pillow and threw it at me.
Gabby: “Get out of here!”
I batted it away and laughed as I closed the door to her room.
Dianna: “Look, I get it. You have this whole bad boy thing going for you, and I’m sure plenty of women here would love for you to bend them over this very bar, but it’s not going to be me. Trust me. I am actually doing you a favor, because I mean it when I say…”
I paused, a slow smile curving my lips.
Dianna: “I would eat you alive.”
Samkiel: “That was a mistake,”
he said from behind me.
I stopped as I heard the bones in his neck snap back in place.
Dianna: “What’s it take to kill you?”
I snapped, turning and dropping the piles of papers and scrolls.
Samkiel: “More than that.”
He launched himself at me, swinging his sword. I caught the blade with my free hand. I was done playing games. His eyes widened as he tried to yank it from my grip and failed. Talons grew, replacing my nails as I tightened my hold on the weapon. My skin burned beneath the strange metal, but I was done with our violent dance.
Dianna: “Okay, I’ll try harder then.”
I swiped my blade upward as she passed me. She took one step, then another, before stopping. I turned and flicked the blood from my blade as her arm fell to the floor with a thud. She hissed and grabbed where it had once been.
Dianna: “That was a hundred-dollar jacket, you asshole!”
she spat, looking at her ruined clothes, unconcerned with the missing limb.
Mama: “Why do you call it a monster, little one?”
I opened my mouth, then stopped. Could she not see it?
Samkiel: “Because that is what it is?”
I turned it back to her and pointed at the shapes I had crafted.
Samkiel: “See the teeth and claws?”
Mama: “I see it.”
She reached inside the woven basket, pulling out a single flower. It was yellow with black dots lining the petals.
Mama: “And what do you think of this?”
I shrugged.
Samkiel: “It is a flower.”
Mama: “Yes, but do you think it’s pretty?”
Samkiel: “Yes.”
Mama: “Do you know that a single petal can be toxic? It can even make a god sick if enough of it is consumed. So, even this could be a monster. It does not need teeth, claws, or any other scary feature to be deadly.”
I watched as she slowly spun the flower by the stem, the sun dancing off the colorful petals. It was pretty, but it looked harmless.
Samkiel: “So, it can hurt someone? Kill?”
She nodded before placing it back into her basket.
Mama: “In the right hands, yes, but give it a good home, a little care, and it can heal, too.”
She wiped her hands on her dress and stood in one graceful motion, smiling down at me.
Mama: “So, you see, looks can be deceiving.”
Dianna: "Seriously, what are you going to do? Torture me? I thought you were the special chosen one who believed in peace and all things good in the world. Or, wait—are you going to hit me? Slap me around a little? If you do it hard enough, I might like it.”
Gabby: “I am so sorry for stabbing you.”
That got my attention.
Dianna: “You stabbed him? Gabby, I am so proud!”
They both shot me a glare as I held my hand up for a high five. I shrugged and lowered it as Gabby shook her head.
Gabby: “So, you’re the one they are all fear? You’re a god?”
He started to respond, but I cut him off.
Dianna: “Oh, he is, and you should see the way they all cater to him. Pretentious is an understatement.”
He gave me his death glare again, and I grinned at him, accustomed to the look. Gabby’s mouth fell open.
Gabby: “Dianna! Be respectful.”
Dianna: “Gabby, no.”
Gabby: “He saved me.”
Dianna: “Oh, did he? That’s nice. He tortured me.”
Gabby: “What?”
Her head snapped toward him as she shifted closer to me.
Samkiel: “And why did I do that, Miss Martinez?”
he asked, tilting his head toward me and raising a single brow.
Samkiel: “Do you think it had anything to do with you killing a member of The Hand? Or maybe it was your assassination of mortal ambassadors and celestials? Or could it have been that you attempted to fight and kill me, all while burning down one of my Guilds in Arariel?”
Gabby gasped.
Gabby: “Dianna. Tell me you didn’t.”
Dianna: “Oh, you just had to say something, didn’t you?”
Gabby: “I’m in the freaking Silver City! It’s too fancy. This is too much. And she is so nice.”
Dianna: “I find her a right bitch, but then again, I did bring her husband back to her half dead.”
Dianna: "Do my yawns annoy you, my king?”
Samkiel: “Do not call me that,”
he snapped.
Dianna: “Why not? Don’t you own the universe or something?”
I mocked.
Samkiel: “Because you do not say it out of respect.”
I saw Liam’s hand clench against his knee.
Samkiel: “You only say it to pester me.”
Dianna: “Oh, look,”
I faked a smile his way,
Dianna: “he’s learning.”
Dianna: “Stop that! Play it cool. Just don’t, you know, talk or speak or move much.”
Dianna: “What is with the staring thing you two keep doing?”
He didn’t answer, and his stare never wavered.
Dianna: “You want some alone time with her? If she finds the book, I can run and grab it. You two should be done by the time I get back, and it might actually help to remove that large stick up your—”
The world went black, but a tug and a sharp, piercing pain in my chest pulled me back to reality. I wavered in and out of consciousness, Liam’s irritation a familiar comfort in a sea of agony. Tug.
Samkiel: “—infuriating—”
Samkiel: “—disobedient—”
Samkiel: “—aggravating woman—”
Weird. Well, if I was dead, at least I would be comfortable and fashionable while I haunted people.
Dianna: “Hello?”
I yelled, turning in a circle.
Dianna: “Anyone home? Do I request a final judgment, or are we all just aware I shouldn’t be here? The joke is on me. I get it now. Come out!”
Dianna: “Such a gentleman. I see why women fall at your feet.”
His nostrils flared, his jaw set in a hard line.
Samkiel: “Must you make quips every second you breathe?”
I smiled, knowing I’d finally gotten under his skin.
Dianna: “Why do they bother you?”
Samkiel: “You are absolutely tormenting. You realize that, correct?”
Dianna: “I love it when you flirt with me.”
I winked, causing a vein to pop forward on his forehead, which only made me laugh. If he could have killed me on the spot, I knew he would have.
Dianna: “I pinkie-promise that I will never abandon you, Your Highness.”
His gaze flicked to mine, some emotion I didn’t recognize flaring behind his gray eyes. I grabbed his hand, forcing him to pinkie swear as he looked from our joined hands and back at me.
Samkiel: “I do not understand this.”
Dianna: “It’s something fun Gabby and I did when we were younger. It stuck through the years. Back after our parents died, I had to steal for a while to survive. This was one of many things we came up with to make sure I came back. You can’t break a pinkie promise. It’s like the law, but not your boring laws.”
Samkiel: “You stole?”
Of course that got his attention.
Dianna: “Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, Your Majesty.”
He let my comment slide before he nodded slowly.
Samkiel: “Very well. Pinkie promise.”
Samkiel: “Very well. Then I promise.”
He looked down at where I still held his hands.
Samkiel: “Does this require another pinkie?”
Samkiel: “There is only one bed.”
Dianna: “Great, you’re observant. I’m so proud. Now come here.”
Dianna: “Thank you, Liam.”
Her fingers threaded through my hair once more.
Samkiel: “You are welcome. I have not talked to anyone in… Well, I cannot remember the last time.”
Dianna: “Well, you can talk to me, when you’re not being a dick.”
Samkiel: “I assume that is a euphemism for my actions and not the physical body part.”
Dianna: “Yes.”
Her small laugh shook the bed.
Dianna: “Now go to sleep.”
He didn’t say anything for a minute as he held my gaze. The intensity in the depths of his gray eyes awakened something feminine and needy in me.
Samkiel: “I was not terrifying to you?”
A pang fluttered in my chest. This powerful and indomitable male was worried about what I thought of him. I had no idea how that was possible.
Dianna: “Well, no, but I’m crazy.”
Samkiel: “That we can agree on.”
Dianna: “I promise I won’t keep anything else from you.”
He opened his eyes, searching my gaze.
Samkiel: “Fine.”
I smiled and reached into my back pocket, digging out my remaining cash. I scooted out of the booth, and Liam followed. He stopped, staring at the cash in my hand.
Samkiel: “Where did you get that?”
I looked down at my hand as we walked to the register. I gave him a small smile and said,
Dianna: “Okay, I promise not to keep anything else from you. Starting now. At this very moment.”
He sighed, and I swore I heard a growl rumble in his chest.
I didn’t remember how long we talked, but somewhere amidst her laughter and smiles, I decided I would rip the world apart for her.
Liam held another large branch as I ducked underneath it.
Dianna: “Don’t say anything.”
Samkiel: “My only suggestion is if you wish to teleport, that we have a more accurate location.”
I spun, my foot catching on a root.
Dianna: “I just said don’t say it.”
Samkiel: “There. That is better,”
Liam said, satisfaction and male hunger flaring in his eyes.
Dianna: “He is going to be so mad.”
I smiled and glanced at him in the reflection. I ran a hand down the front of my dress and half turned side to side, looking at every glittering detail.
Samkiel: “Let him be.”
Liam’s voice was a soft growl, making me pause. He was watching me as I spun. He always watched me, especially when he thought I wasn’t looking.
Samkiel: “I do not care. During large engagements, all goddesses and celestials wore similar garments on my world. Some flowed well past their feet, others barely touched the ground, but they all shimmered and shined like starlight upon the darkened sky. They were truly beautiful … and so are you. You are a queen and should be draped in the finest fabrics, not the cheap faux material he chose.”
Drake: “Lovely dress, Dianna,”
Drake said, raising his glass to his lips.
Drake: “Definitely not one of mine.”
Yup, bad idea.
Dianna: “Nope, not one of yours,”
Drake: “Where did you get it?”
he asked before taking a sip of his drink, hiding his grin. I took a breath, knowing he was trying to bait me. He wanted information, but he should have known not to play games with me.
Dianna: “Liam made it, because all the ones you left me showed my ass.”
He laughed and nodded in defeat.
Drake: “It’s a nice ass.”
Dianna: “So I’ve been told.”
Samkiel: “Dianna is different. I have seen evil. I’ve seen it born, what it craves, and how it acts. She may be stubborn and erratic. At times, she is rude or crass, even violent or dangerous, but not evil—not even a little bit.”
Dianna: “You seem happier.”
He gave a low snort, the sound forced with a hint of agitation.
Samkiel: “At dinner? How so?”
I glanced at him and nearly stumbled, the male beauty of him taking my breath away. The moonlight cast his features in silver and set his eyes aglow. His power was nearly visible, wavering in the air around us and encompassing me. I felt it as an almost physical caress, and in that moment, I felt safe. It was such a foreign sensation that it took me a moment to find my voice again.
Dianna: “No, sorry, not then. I was just thinking in general. You smile more. You weren’t like that when I first met you. Although I was also trying to kill you.”
Samkiel: “Yes, well, that is accurate.”
Dianna: “You also don’t look as frumpy and untamed as you used to. The haircut and clothes that actually fit have greatly improved your appearance.”
His gaze swung to me, his brows furrowing.
Samkiel: “Is that supposed to be a compliment? If so, it is absolutely terrible.”
Dianna: “No, I’m just saying you’re coming out of your shell, so to speak.”
Samkiel: “Ah,”
he said, and we continued our stroll.
Samkiel: “I suppose it’s easier to be that way around you. You give me no choice.”
I bumped my shoulder against his. The light tap didn’t even move him.
Dianna: “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
Samkiel: “I suppose.”
His gaze danced across my face.
Samkiel: “I doubt I could be around you long-term. You are far too invasive and intrusive.”
I hit his shoulder this time with enough force to make him jump slightly, but not enough to hurt. A smile formed on his lips, and I knew he’d said it mostly to irritate me.
Samkiel: “And much too forceful.”
I swatted at him once more, but he took a step back. He was playing with me. I liked this Liam. He was different when he was with me, away from the others who demanded a king. He was almost normal.
Dianna: “Well, you’re not terrible.”
I shrugged, glancing at him once more.
Dianna: “At times.”
Samkiel: “I’ll take that.”
Drake: “A word of advice then, World Ender. Do not fill her head with pretty words. Do not make her beautiful gowns. Do not take her on midnight strolls through a garden or give her handpicked flowers. Kaden has fed her scraps for years to keep her in line. She is a woman who craves love, no matter what she says. If you have no intention of staying or being with her, don’t court her and make her care. Don’t be the one to make her fall if you have no intention of catching her.”
She set a plate on top of the open book I was reading.
Dianna: “Look, I made you something. See the face? It’s grumpy, like you.”
Samkiel: “I am a destroyer. The World Ender in every aspect, I am everything you should fear. I mean that with every ounce of my being, and not in the egotistical way Dianna assumes. I have burnt worlds to their core and slain beasts large enough to devour this castle. The books were not wrong about any of that. I have always been a weapon for my throne, my kingdom, and my family. The Gods War started because of me. My world is gone because of me. How is there any room left in me to love?”
It was quiet for a moment, and I wondered if he finally understood me enough to not make jokes or wise quips. I glanced at him to see he was staring at the same ember in the fireplace. His throat bobbed once before he spoke, but I smelled no fear in the air. His voice was softer, and there was no hint of the trickster that had been with us the last few weeks.
Drake: “Don’t you know? Love is the purest form of destruction there is.”
Camilla: “Interesting. I had assumed, given your reputation, that you could seduce even a god.”
Dianna: “I have not seduced anything.”
Camilla: “But you have seen it, yes? It must be massive and overwhelming, almost too much for one person to contain, much less handle.”
My head reeled back, and my body suddenly ran hot.
Dianna: “What? No!”
I snapped, avoiding Liam’s gaze completely.
Dianna: “Well, I mean, once, but it was a weird dream thing.”
I closed my eyes, waving my hands in the air slightly.
Dianna: “Wait—why are we talking about his penis?”
Camilla cocked her head, one brow raised.
Camilla: “I’m talking about his power.”
Dianna: “Oh.”
I dropped my hands to my sides, my face feeling as if it were on fire. The massive room suddenly felt too small.
Dianna: “Yeah, I’ve seen that too.”
Dianna: “Aren’t you afraid of what your precious celestials will think?”
So that’s what this was about?
Samkiel: “No. And besides, I’m cold.”
She scoffed and lay down hard enough to make the small bed shake and creak.
Dianna: “Gods don’t get cold.”
I copied her position, lying facing her, close, but not touching.
Samkiel: “Oh, yeah? So, you know a lot of us?”
I saw her shoulder lift in a shrug.
Dianna: “Only one super annoying one.”
I could not have explained it even if the gods themselves gave me a century to do so. There were no words to describe how Dianna’s lips felt against mine, but with that first kiss, my gravity shifted. I may not have the words to do justice to her or what I was feeling, but I knew if she would let me, I would happily spend a millennium trying.
I had kissed and been kissed thousands of times in my lifetime, but nothing compared to this moment. With the right person, a kiss was so much more than a kiss. It was pure, unfiltered ecstasy. A part of my soul had been waiting for this woman, and one kiss from her had undone me. A voice I couldn’t ignore quietly insisted that she was what I had been missing. It’s her. It’s her. It’s her.
Samkiel: “Dianna.”
Dianna: “Hmm?”
she asked as she rubbed against me another time. My hand flew to her hip, putting a stop to her current torture.
Samkiel: “Bad girl.”
Samkiel: “Do you wish to know why I avoided you? Why I couldn’t bear to spend another night beside you?”
Her lips fell from the side of my neck, her nose scraping against the stubble on my jaw as she looked up at me. The burning embers in the depths of her hazel eyes lit up the room and my entire world. She nodded once, her hand still lightly resting against my face.
Samkiel: “Because I could not lie there, close to you, and not wish to be inside you.”
Samkiel: “Ride my fingers like you’ll ride my cock when I take you beneath the stars.”
I saw the moment he realized what I was asking. Heat flared in his eyes, the hunger and naked need in their depths shocking. He leaned forward, pressing his hand to my lower back and pulling me into the curve of his body. His breath tickled my ear as he whispered,
Samkiel: “If we weren’t so preoccupied with finding this book, I would show you in seven different ways how much it does not affect how I feel about you.”
My heart thudded in my chest, a small, mischievous smile spreading across my face as I brushed my lips along the curve of his jaw, savoring the rasp of his stubble against their softness.
Dianna: “Only seven?”
Samkiel: “Let’s see how much you can handle first.”
Samkiel: "Friend’?”
he hissed through gritted teeth.
Dianna: “… What?”
I asked, confused. I glanced at him, then toward Ava and Geraldo, who kept walking. Then it clicked: he was pissed about me calling him my friend earlier.
Samkiel: “That’s eight ways now, because when we leave here, I’m going to fuck the word friend out of your vocabulary.”
Dianna: “Oh, trust me, I can still kill.”
Why did I find her so annoying? Was it because she’d hugged Liam? Was I that possessive? Maybe I was just hungry.
Samkiel: “She will not kill. Dianna, please try to be polite.”
I made a face behind Liam’s back, and Ava, who was walking next to me, snickered.
Dianna: “My apologies, Ava. It’s just that we know nothing about you. Actually, we didn’t even know you existed until Liam stuck his tongue down a witch’s throat.”
We reached a carved stone wall, and Liam spun, shaking his head at me.
Samkiel: “Dianna.”
Dianna: “What? It’s true.”
I ignored him and patted his chest as I slipped by him.
He shook his head again.
Samkiel: “No.”
He stated that one word, cutting off any reply I may have had.
Samkiel: “I’m not leaving you.”
I ran my hand over the sweat-drenched side of his face before I kissed him hard and quick.
Dianna: “Maybe in another life,”
I whispered against his lips.
She had sacrificed herself for me, for the world, and I’d resurrected her without a second thought. My own father would not bring back my mother, the one person he had loved with every atom of his being. Yet I’d brought back a smart-mouthed, ill-tempered, caring woman. I was as selfish and weak as they claimed, because I hadn’t brought her back for the world, or even for her. I brought her back because I didn’t think I could exist without her.
Dianna: “Liam, you cursed! Where does the ‘follow all the rules’ guy learn to talk like that?”
I teased, poking my index finger against his chest.
Samkiel: “Probably from the dark-haired, foul-mouthed woman whose vocabulary screams indecency.”
Samkiel: “She is not a creature, and she is friendly.”
He stopped and glanced at me over his shoulder.
Samkiel: “Sometimes.”
Dianna: “But if they open, that means Liam will die.”
Roccurrem: “So it is written; so it shall be.”
Dianna: “No.”
I looked up at Liam, his gaze focused and far away. Whatever floating-head-guy meant, it had struck a chord deep within him. My hands tightened enough to make him look at me. Pain flashed there.
Dianna: “As long as I am here, nothing will happen to you. I promise—and I don’t need a pinkie for it.”
Roccurrem: “The prophecy remains. One falls, one rises, and the end begins. It was foretold and will remain. One carved from darkness, one carved from light. The world will shudder.”
Samkiel: "You heard it. I had one chance to have that damned book.”
His voice rose an octave higher.
Samkiel: “I failed because I chose you over the book—over the world! I was selfish because of you. You crawled beneath my skin like some parasite. You have infected me, and it has cost me the world. So now, I have to prepare armies once more for war. War, Dianna.”
I felt my cheeks blister as my heart jumped in my chest. I was angry and pissed and sad for him, all at the same time.
Dianna: “You’re right. I wasn’t worth it.”
Samkiel: “That is just it, Dianna. To me, you are worth it—and that makes me the most selfish bastard and the most dangerous god to ever exist. I did it in a second, without thinking or worrying about the consequences, and I would do it again and again. What I feel for you is overwhelming, and I cannot stop it. I do not know what I am doing. Do you understand that? I have the weight of the entire universe on my shoulders. I had a plan, and then you crashed into my life, making me ignore all reason. You make me trek through Onuna, taking me to places with loud music and overly sugary treats. You make me stay at castles with pretentious vampires. You make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel. You make me feel normal and allow me to forget that I am the sole ruler, because you see me when you look at me. I hate it, Dianna! I hate that I have known you for what others would consider mere minutes. In the grand scheme of things, our time together means nothing. I have known and bedded others longer than you have been in my life, yet I felt nothing but fondness for them. I hate that you affect me so much, that you care so much when I do not deserve it.”
Dianna: "You love, whether you admit it to yourself or not. Liam, you are not some mindless creature. You never were. You don’t listen to what anyone says, and you shouldn’t. If those all-powerful beings that were above you really knew everything, Rashearim wouldn’t have fallen. I don’t care what anyone says. Follow your heart. You have to. The world doesn’t need more of them. It needs more of you. I heard what your father said, what he told you. He wanted you to be better—better than them. That means giving a damn, Liam.”
Dianna: "We’ll figure this out together, okay? We will do our usual, where I come up with an idea, and you disagree, and then we argue about it until you eventually come around to my amazing foolproof plans.”
#alpha #badass #captive #demon #enemiestolovers #fishoutofwater #forbiddenlove #forcedproximity #distress #mates #monster #morallygrey #onebed #oppositesattract #redemption #roadtrip #royal #shifter #slowburn #supernatural #touchheranddie #trauma