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Writer's pictureAlisha Eadle

Born of Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Born of Blood and Ash

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Published by Blue Box Press

Book 4 in the Flesh and Fire Series

The line between love and obsession has never been wider.

While Sera is finally free of Kolis and back with those she loves, not everything is calm. Memories of all she’s endured still haunt her, but Sera finally has hope for a future with the other half of her heart and soul. Nyktos desires, loves, and accepts every part of her—even the

monstrous bits she still battles.

More than ever, Sera and Ash have everything under the realms to fight for, and Nyktos has no doubt Sera is fit to be the Queen of the Gods. But she must find that faith within herself if they hope to convince the other Courts to support them against Kolis and make Iliseeum and the mortal realm better, safer places for all.

But as Sera begins to piece together the importance of her bloodline and the true meaning behind the foreboding prophecy, it becomes clear that everything that has happened and is yet to come is much bigger than Kolis and his dark obsessions.

They cannot help but wonder exactly how much influence the Fates have had and what their ultimate goal is. What Sera does know for sure is that they can trust very few—including her.

A battle between the gods is brewing, and heartbreaking losses are imminent with the true Primal of Death strengthening. With a family of the heart willing to battle by their side, can Sera and Nyktos stop Kolis before he destroys the realms, or will it all disappear in a fiery inferno of blood and ash?

And the line between justice and vengeance has never been so thin.



Violence, Torture, Death, Discussions of Sexual Assault


That was a big book.

Almost - and don't hate me because I love Jennifer L, Armentrout - too big.

I had a hard time getting into this book, admittedly.

And I wasn't the only one. My best friend felt the same.

The first half of the book was a whole lot of info-dumping, barely any action, and almost too much sex.

And listen, I like Nyktos and Sera, and their sexy moments, but I needed more substance. I needed that information sprinkled in with some action that didn't involve sex.

I needed less repetition. I know Sera doesn't want power. I didn't need the repetitive arguments about calling her by her title, or bowing.

Now, once we got to the last half of the book - that's when I started really liking it.

Because this is a big book, I'm going to list out the things I loved about this book, before I get into what I didn't like.

  • Ash and Sera's relationship. Yes, there was too much mushy moments in the first half of the book, and too much sex. But their relationship is one of the highlights of the series, and I can't help but swoon a bit when I read it. Jennifer just knows how to write a romance that feels like genuine true love. It's pure, even with the smut. Despite the fact that this is fantasy, Jennifer insures that even the most powerful of her characters are, at their core, human - or at least have human traits. Born of Blood and Ash was heavily centered on Sera and Ash, and the love they have for one another.

  • Reaver and Jadis. Specifically their bond with Sera. Now, I know it's a lot of foreshadowing to Sera becoming a mother, but seeing her bond with Reaver in particular get stronger, just makes his reverence for her in the Blood and Ash books make more sense. While she is the Primal of Life, his Queen, more than anything, she is a mother figure to him, and it shows. While we have yet to meet an adult Jadis, considering what a spitfire she is as a toddler, I'm thinking she will be much the same as an adult. And I refuse to consider a future in these books where we don't see an adult Jadis.

  • If you read my theory on Ancients after reading Fall of Ruin and Wrath, then you know I believe that the Ancients in that series are the same Ancients in this series. In fact, I am pretty sure that Jennifer has confirmed this on her facebook group that they are, but just in a different part of the world. Anyway, I love everything we learned about the Ancients and Fates this book, and the questions that arise from this information. I have a theory - of course I do - but the little nuggets of information we got made me so much more interested in what is going to happen then before.

  • Callum, Callum, Callum. So my best friend has a theory, one which she has had for a couple of books now. She believes that Callum is a double agent. That behind all the terrible things he has done, or has aided in, he will end up a good guy. Morally grey, I should say. I'm leaning more and more towards this theory after finishing this book. I will explain why below when I get to theories, but let's just say that Born in Blood and Ash opened my eyes when it came to Callum. Honestly, he might be one of Jennifer's most complicated characters to date. Another thing I loved was finally learning what makes him different from the other Revenants, and what makes Millie so different as well.

  • All this talk about the prophecy, and learning what Poppy's ultimate power will be. I don't want to get into spoilers, but having it flat out said just how powerful Poppy will be has me feral for the next Blood and Ash book. Actually, we learn quite a bit about Poppy's powers, and where and why they come from. We had already learned where her power of reading emotions came from (Nyktos, as his mother had oneirou blood), but learning what the full potential of those powers will be is very, very interesting.

  • Sera dealing with her trauma, and learning just how violating her time with Kolis was. It blindsided me, but Jennifer showed just how powerful trauma and what it does to our brains and memories can be. That is all I will say on that to avoid spoilers.

  • Sera going full primal. Holy hell that was insane to read. Yeah, terrible things happen, but that was such an intense part of the book.

  • Seeing Kolis go full primal. I've always felt that we have been told how strong Kolis is, more than shown. While we got some scenes with him displaying his power, Jennifer definitely concentrated on his cruelty and how adept he is an manipulation. This was the first time I felt like Jennifer showed us how powerful and terrifying he could be in a fight, and it made me finally realize how big of a foe he really is.

  • The pro-choice messaging. What's going on in the States right now is terrible - hell, it's not that much better where I live - but at least access is there if needed. I totally understand why Jennifer chose this message in her book. Because even in loving, stable relationships, it's totally valid and okay to question whether or not children is what you really want.

  • Ash learning about the babies. Just perfect.

Things I didn't like

  • I would have loved a time jump so we could have got to know the twins. Right now, we know soooo little of them, and everything is things that have been told to Poppy. I would have loved some scenes of them growing up. I would have loved to see Sera and Ash as parents. I would have loved to see the friendship between the twins, Reaver and Jadis.

  • I would have loved to see the creation of the wolven. I kept waiting for is, but alas ... nothing.

  • While absolutely necessary to the story, my heart hurt so much for Attes storyline. As a mom to twins, just the whole storyline hurt to read.

Theories. Obviously, there are spoilers ahead.

  • While I believe Kolis will be the big bad in the next Blood and Ash book, I don't think he will be the biggest worry. I felt like Born in Blood and Ash really made out that some of the Ancients will be the problem. Yes, Sera and Ash wanted Kolis dealt with, but after they learned that if a Primal of Life and Death were to come into existence, it would awake some of the Ancients, which would result in an extinction event. It's why they make the plan they go with - and ultimately fail at. To keep that from happening. I feel like Kolis will be dealt with this book, but some of those Ancients will be a problem in the future. Perhaps in Poppy and Cas's book, perhaps in Millie and Malek's book. Who knows? But the Ancients have a way bigger role to play, that is for sure.

  • Callum. So I mentioned up above that my best friend has felt like Callum is morally grey, and a double agent of sorts. And while I was hesitant to agree with her at first, after finishing this book, I think she is right. Jennifer goes out of her way to write things that are hard not to like about him - right down to the entertaining banter he has with Sera. While he appears to be unfeeling and cruel, he does have some humanity to him. While it doesn't show with his loyalty to Kolis, he does love his sister. He visibly flinches when Sera tells him that Sotoria hates him. We never do find out why he tells Sera's ancestors - his own family! - how to kill a Primal. One could theorize that he suspects that Sotoria would be reborn in their family bloodline, and is giving her the information to end Kolis. At the end of the book, he misses Sera's heart. I don't think he wanted to kill her. Plus, all that time ... hundreds ... thousands of years go by, with him carrying Sotoria's soul around in the star. Attes said he could sense her in the star. Communicate in a way. Who is to say that Sotoria and Callum didn't communicate during this time. Now, this doesn't explain why Callum encourages Isbeth to do what she does. Callum obviously didn't agree with everything Kolis did. Considering he was visiting Sera's family - his own distant family - and it seemed to be because he liked being around them, makes me think that even knowing what was going to happen, he had to have that time to say a silent goodbye. I suspect there is an element of control Kolis has over the revenants he has created. Perhaps because Callum still has a soul, he has some amount of control over himself to do little things behind the scenes against Kolis, but ultimately, Kolis holds the strings. Millie is a good example of this. She obviously hated her mother and the things she did. But Millie still did things to further her mother's cause ... but she also did little rebellious things behind the scenes, because, like Callum, she still has her soul. In the end, I think he will die, but I think he will redeem himself before the end.

Well that's it. While Born in Blood and Ash wasn't my favorite of the series, it sure had a lot of information in it that I feel is essential to know when going into the Blood and Ash series. Plus, I love the characters in these books. While this was a big book, I loved how much time we got with these characters.



Sera: "Hungry?"

He shook his head.

Sera: "Damn."

I sighed.

Sera: "I was hoping I would get to teach you how to use a fork."

Reaver: "I know how to use a fork."

Sera: "You sure?"

I grinned as he glanced over at me, and I could see through the strands of his blond hair that his brows were furrowed.

Sera: "I'm exceptionally skilled at teaching one how to use utensils."

Those serious, now-jewel-blue eyes met mine.

Reaver: "I can pretend I don't know how if you like."

I laughed.

Nektas: "I hope you got some rest after your eventful night."

My thoughts flashed to the hours spent in bed with Ash. There had been some rest involved.

Sera: "I did."

Nektas: "That's good to hear. You may feel stronger than ever."

Sera: "But I'm a baby Primal and, therefore, need lots of nap time."

Picking up another berry, he went quiet for a moment.

Nektas: "I was still of only one form when the riders came into existence, created to bring about the end."

Sera: "Gods, you are so old,"

I mumbled.

He shot me a narrowed-eye look, and I flashed him a quick, bright smile.

We were several stories up. If he fell ...

Sera: "Is there not a better place for you to sit?"

Tucking his wings close to his sides, his head tilted. He let out a series of low chirps that I understood - not so much heard but sensed. It was strange.

Sera: "I know you can fly, Reaver-butt, but that doesn't mean there aren't other, more suitable resting places."

I gestured around the balcony.

Sera: "Literally any place that doesn't make me feel like I'm about to have a heart attack."

Ash: "He's at the age where he'll hit his first growth spurt. In a few months, he'll be almost twice the size he is now."

My eyes widened.

Sera: "I'm not sure I can still call you Reaver-butt when you're nearly as tall as me."

Sera: "You are my King - the King. I decreed it. That means it's not just me making decisions. I don't have supreme power or whatever."

Ash: "That is right."

His silver eyes glimmered.

Sera: "I'm beginning to think you didn't forget that and just wanted to heat me say you're my King."

One side of his lips tipped up.

Ash: "Maybe."

Sera: "You're ridiculous."

Ash: "Ridiculously in love with you."

Sera: "Gods, I love you. And honestly, if we didn't have this meeting, I would throw myself at you."

The streaks of eather whirled.

Ash: "Meeting is cancelled."

Sera: "Hopefully, we'll still get along in our nota forms."

His dark brows pulled together as Reaver's head swung toward me.

Ash:: "Come again?"

Sera: "I mean, with you being a wolf, and me being a very large cave cat. It's like cats and dogs, right? And I know a wolf isn't a dog, but still."

Ash's lips parted into a faint grin as his silver eyes gleamed.

Ash: "The things that go through your mind must be a constant source of entertainment."

He chuckled and said to Reaver,

Ash: "I remember a time when you would've attempted to light someone on fire for even thinking of offending me."

Sera: "Sorry,"

I said, smiling broadly at the draken lifted his wings, keeping himself in the air.

Sera: "He's my Reaver-butt now."

Reaver chirped his agreement.

Ash: "You know,"

Ash drawled from behind me,

Ash: "all you have to do is command that they don't."

I opened my mouth.

Ash: "But perhaps you should give them permission to rise first,"

he tacked on.

I slowly turned my head to him.

Sera: "You couldn't have reminded me of that at the beginning?"

Ash: "Perhaps."

He once more tugged Jadis's hand free of his hair.

Sera: "I hope she pulls out every single strand,"

I hissed.

Rhahar: "Godsdamnit,"

Rhahar groused.

Saion: "You know what I always say,"

Saion replied, each word rolling off his tongue with an unmistakable undertone of amusement.

Saion: "A wise man never makes the same bad wager twice."

My mouth dropped open.

Sera: "You two bet again on how long it would take before Ash and I started arguing?"

Bele: "More like Saion is stealing money from his cousin again."

Sera: "Oh my gods."

I pinched by brow, briefly closing my eyes.

Sera: "Why are you all still bowing?"

Ash: "You haven't given them permission to rise."

Sera: "For fuck's sake."

Ash: "Language,"

Ash whispered as he passed me, stepping onto the dais. He placed Jadis in one of the chairs at the table.

Ash: "There are younglings present."

Sera: "How about you go -?"

I cut myself off as two wide, sapphire-blue eyes appeared above the back of the chair.

Clutching the sides of the chair with incredibly small, clawed hands, Jadis chirped, and I heard something that sounded like ... wee.

Sera: "Can the true Primal of Life get tension headaches?"

I asked of no one in particular as Ash motioned for Reaver to get down.

Sera: "Because I really think I'm getting one."

Bele: "It's not likely,"

Bele answered, her voice trembling with restrained laughter as Reaver pushed off the credenza, extending his wings to slow his decent.

Bele: "But not impossible."

Theon: "Can we rise yet?"

Theon asked from where he remained, kneeling beside his twin sister.

I sighed heavily.

Sera: "Yes. Please. You may all rise."

Saion: "Thank the fates."

Ash: "Your seat, liessa."

Sera: "Thank you,"

I whispered as Reaver followed, this time brushing his head over Jadis's.

Bele: "Why does he get to call you that?"

Bele asked, adjusting her forearm sheaths.

Bele: "And we don't?"

Ash glanced up.

Ash: "Because she enjoys it when I call her that."

As Bele's brows lifted, my cheeks caught fire.

Bele: "I'm somewhat disturbed that you, of all people, are being logical."

Bele sheathed the dagger, sending Jadis a playful scowl as the youngling reached for the blade.

Bele: "I expected better from you."

Bele: "Some of her cities are rather calm. Others are pretty much giant org -"

She stopped herself as Reaver peered over the top of the table at her.

Bele: "They are like giant adult parties. Not bad, but not really productive or useful, you know? So, sometimes things get a little heated, and not in a good way. There are lots of jealousy-fueled murders, and they sometimes fail to harvest crops or search for children who wander into the forest."

She squinted.

Bele: "Or even realize they're missing."

Sera: "Oh, my gods,"

I murmured, rubbing my brow.

Bele: "Hey, cheer up!"

Bele exclaimed with one of her too-wide smiles.

Bele: "I've heard Maia has gotten better. For example, there are fewer .... adult parties."

Bele: "Don't forget my court,"

Bele interrupted.

Bele: 'I have about a hundred good ones in Sirta."

Sera: "My apologies."

Bele smiled and flicked her wrist.

Bele: "Accepted."

Sera: "So, we have two decent Courts and one really underperforming Court."

Ash: "Sera and I,"

Ash said, lifting an arm. A second later, a small ivory blanket shot between Rhain and Saion, coming from somewhere in the chamber. It landed in his hand.

Ash: "Are not in agreement."

Nektas: "As unsurprising as that is,"

Nektas began, taking the blanket from Ash and laying it over Jadis, gently tucking it around her wings,

Nektas: "whose side am I supposed to be on?"

Ash and Sera: "Mine,"

Ash and I answered at the same time.

Nektas smirked.

Sera: "Ash has suggested using Attes to issue the summons and thinks it's appropriate for him to speak with Attes, even though he wants to rearrange the Primal's internal organs. Meanwhile, he thinks I should remain at the palace, polishing swords or something."

Rhahar coughed and then took a long swallow of his drink.

Ash: "That is not what I expect you to do,"

Ash dragged his teeth over his lower lip, sending me a sidelong glance.

Ash: "I feel rather confident assuming the only thing you would do with a sword is use it."

Sera: "Want to find out?"

I suggested with syrupy sweetness.

Ash: "Later, when younglings aren't present,"

he replied with a smoky, midnight smile.

Ash: "I'd love to."

Bele: "Oh, dear."

I shot Ash a glare.

He winked.

Lailah: "I can go with Nyktos,"

Lailah offered, drawing a look of ire from her brother and my rapid curiosity.

Lailah: "And make sure they both -"

Sera: "Behave? Like two misbehaving toddlers?"

Sera: "Perhaps instead of vocalizing my thanks, I could show you?"

Eather brightened in his eyes.

Ash: "As long as you're still using your mouth, I'll have no complaints."

Extending their wings, the draken slowed, landing on their forelegs first.

Odin snorted, shaking his mane and stomping his front hoof as he eyed the black-and-browned-scaled Crolee.

Ash: "You're fine, Odin."

Ash sighed.

Ash: "They're nowhere near you."

I grinned as Crolee turned his large head toward the warhorse and let out a huffing laugh as Odin slammed his hoof down again.

Sera: "What's his problem?"

Ash looked over at me, his hair more of a deep brown in the starlight.

Ash: "He feels upstaged."

Sera: "Nothing's happening yet, is it?"

Ash: "Not yet."

Ash knelt behind me.

Ash: "Maybe it takes some time."

Sera: "Or maybe I have no idea what I'm doing?"

Ash: "There is that."

Ash: "Coming back to bed?"

Ash asked, tossing the washcloth into a hamper.

I nodded.

Sera: "In a minute."

Ash: "Don't take too ling."

His lips brushed my forehead.

Ash: "You've kept me up long enough."

Sera: 'Me?"

I laughed as he stepped away.

Sera: "I was minding my own business in here, thank you very much."

Ash: "Yes, you were minding your own business walking around naked."

He opened the door as he looked over his shoulder at me. A lock of hair fell across his face.

Ash: "While being wet as sin."

My mouth dropped open.

Ash: "What else was I to do?"

he questioned, one side of his lips curving up.

I snapped my mouth shut as my eyes narrowed. He chuckled, turning away.

Sera: "You know, it's inappropriate to point out things like that."

Ash: "One would also think having such a hungry pussy is also inappropriate."

A shocked giggle burst from my lips.

Sera: "Naughty Ash."

Ash: "Naughty pussy, more like."

Ash: "Great minds think alike,"

he murmured, bending to kiss me.

Reaver groaned.

Reaver: "You two do that a lot."

Ash chuckled as he straightened.

Ash: "One day, you will understand why."

Reaver: "Nuh-uh,"

Reaver denied, his lip curling in disgust.

Ash: "I'll be sure to remind you of that when the day comes."

Sera: "Can you give Ash and me a moment, though?"

Reaver stopped in the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest.

Reaver: "You guys are going to have a serious conversation you don't want me to hear."

Ash: "Now, why would you think that?"

Reaver: "Because every time something serious needs to be said that no one wants me to hear, I'm either sent from the room, tasked to look after Jadis, or others speak in a weird way like they're leaving out words and stuff."

Note to self: Reaver is far too observant.

Sera: "We weren't going to talk. I was planning to do more kissing."

There was no hesitation. Not even a second.

Reaver: "I'll wait in the hall."

Ash: "Liessa?"

Sera: "Yes?"

Ash: "I'm curious,"

he said, the quill moving quickly over the page.

Ash: "Why have you moved on from slaughtering innocent glasses to throwing sharp instruments?"

My lips pursed.

Sera: "Maybe I thought I would be more comfortable working with a blade."

He smirked.

Ash: "How's that idea working out for you?"

Sera: "Just perfect."

Ash chuckled as he closed the Book of the Dead. The quill vanished into thin air.

Ash: "Perhaps you should stick to the ledgers and soft, non-pointy items."

Sera: "Perhaps you should mind your business."

Ash: "I would,"

-he picked up one of the building plans -

Ash: "except I am worried that this may end with you having to regrow an eye."

He paused.

Ash: "Or we'll end up with no glasses to drink from."

Nektas: "I know you're angry. I know you're scared,"

Nektas said, and that last part caught my attention.

Nektas: "But you go at that fucker over there and you know what will happen."

Aydun: "Fucker?"

muttered Aydun while I stared at Ash and Nektas.

Aydun: "That was uncalled for."

Nektas: "Outside."

Nektas ordered.

There was a pause, and then the Ancient let out a deep sigh.

Aydun: "The only reason I'm following you is because it will only delay things further if I don't."

Nektas: "Yeah. That and the fact that you know I will rip your arms off and beat you over the head with them."

My eyes popped open.

Aydun chuckled, and it sounded different.

Aydun: "You know, I've seen that happen before. Laugh every time I think about it."

Sera: "What are the rules regarding the other Primals and fighting?"

Aydun: "There can be no violence of any kind among the Primals."

He came to a stand beside me.

Aydun: "You have nothing to worry about."

Sera: "I'm not worried."

I stared at those doors.

Sera: "I'm disappointed."

Callum: "Seraphena,"

he said, his tone level. Courteous, even.

Callum: "I see you are just as charming as ever."

His eyes, which were such a pale shade of blue they were almost lifeless, drifted over me.

Callum: "And as inappropriate."

Sera: "Kolis has statues of himself as decoration?"

Callum: "Of course he does."

Callum stared ahead.

Callum: "He is the King."

Sera: "Of tackiness?"

Callum was dead before I even tore the blade free.

Sera: "Gods,"

I said, watching him hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Sera: "That felt good."

Aydun: "What a strange thing for the true Primal of Life to say,"

Aydun stated dryly, glancing down at the crumpled form. An eyebrow rose.

Aydun: "And do."

Sera: "He had it coming."

Sera: "He did what he did because he loves me,"

I insisted, anger rising once more.

Aydun: "Selfishly,"

the Ancient tacked on.

Aydun: "He loves you selfishly, therefore risking the lives of nearly all who walk these realms."

Kyn: "Did you not hear me, por-na?"

Kyn's palm ran up the inside of the woman's leg.

Kyn: "On your knees."

I had no idea how Ash had maintained his composure among such a disgusting asshole like Kyn for years - decades - but he had.

And I would, too.

Sort of.

I smiled at Kyn.

Sera: "Make me."

Aydun stiffened.

The hand delving under the skirt froze. Silence came from those on the couches.

Kyn's laugh was full of malice.

Kyn: "Oh, I plan to."

The Primal reminded me so much of the Lords of the Vodina Isles, and my smile grew.

Sera: "I can't wait to see you try."

Kyn: "You think Nyktos will be able to stop me."

Sera: "He won't need to, because I will."

Kyn: "There's enough room for both of you,"

Kyn called out, and the woman giggled nervously.

Kyn: "I've got two hands and a tongue."

Sera: "But no cock? Shocking."

Sera: "You look like shit. I'm guessing I woke you too early from stasis."

My smile, just as skilled and fake as his, grew.

Sera: "My apologies."

Behind me, the Ancient cursed under his breath, and the atrium went utterly silent.

Sera: "I'm guessing you didn't leave for Vathi?"

Nektas: "I think you know the answer to that,"

a gravelly voice drawled from behind Ash.

My fingers curled into Ash's tunic.

Sera: "Did you have to sit on Ash to keep him here."

Nektas: "Pretty much."

Sera: "By the way, he now thinks I'm the calm one out of the two of us."

Rhain choked.

My narrowed gaze swung to the god. He was bent over his chair, eyes watering.

Rhain: "Sorry,"

he gasped.

Rhain: "Went down the wrong pipe."

Sera: "Sure, it did. But that probably changed after the meeting."

Ash raised a brow.

Ash: "How so?"

Sera: "I sort of might have killed Callum,"

I shared as Ash walked us toward the settee.

Sera: "Twice."

Nektas snorted while Rhain wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand, and Ash sat, pulling me into his lap.

I felt a small jolt of unease, but I shut it down. I would not allow my fucked-up mind to do this to me. To us. I liked being this close to Ash, and it wasn't that long ago that he'd abhorred the touch of another. This openness between us was too important for me to ruin.

Ash: "What did he do?"

I forced myself to relax against his chest.

Sera: "Breathe in my direction?"

Sera: "You can smell it?"

Reaver: "It's in his sweat."

Reaver reached into the sack and rooted around.

Reaver: "The stench changes."

Kars: "What the fuck?"

Sera: "Language. There are younglings present."

Kars' mouth dropped open.

Kars: "Five minutes ago, you shouted that very same word."

Sera: "I did not."

Kars: "Really?"

Kars replied dryly.

I had, in fact, yelled it. At the top of my lungs, too.

Kars: "By the way."

Kars pointed his sword at Reaver.

Kars: "I do not stink."

Reaver: "You can't smell it, but I can."

Reaver pulled a glistening red apple from the sack - his fourth or fifth of the morning.

Reaver: "Your scent becomes more ... bitter."

I wondered if I should intervene with his snacking because that seemed like a whole lot of apples. But apples were healthy, weren't they?

Reaver: "You are the Queen and the true Primal of Life. None of them will want to fight you."

Reaver said, sounding far too wise for his age.. He bit into the apple with a crunch.

Reaver: "And he's worried what Nyktos will do."

I face Kars, raising an eyebrow.

Reaver: "Someone needs to fight with her,"

Reaver added before Kars could respond.

Reaver: "If not, she's gonna start pacing again."

Sera: "Perhaps you should assist with Jadis."

Reaver's eyes widened.

Reaver: "I'd rather not."

He clutched the burlap sack.

Reaver: "She'll want to eat all my apples."

Sera: "You mean there are actually some left?"

He nodded earnestly.

Sera: "She always eats my apples."

Saion: "Nyktos will work with you. After all, he enjoys getting his ass kicked by you."

Sera: "I need to be doing something ... queenly right now."

Reaver: "I hope it's not more pacing."

Reaver: "Are you sure you want to do that?"

Reaver asked, sounding nervous.

Reaver: "Summon a Fate?"

Sera: "It'll be okay. Holland is ... he's like family. The kind who spends your entire life lying to you, but still, family."

Reaver: But I can help you.

Sera: "I know you can."

I knelt and cupped Reaver's scaled cheek.

Sera: "But you cannot go with me."

Reaver: I need to be where mayeeh Liessa is. I may be small, but I am brave.

Sera: "You'll keep Jadis safe while I'm gone?"

Reaver: Always.

Sera: "That's my Reaver-butt."

The way he said it, like I was a child not old enough to ride a horse by myself, stroked my already frayed nerves. And not in a good way.

Sera: "Three things."

Behind Ash, Nektas pressed his lips together and sat on one of the wicker settees.

Sera: "Number one,"

I said, holding up my hand,

Sera: "I obviously shadowstepped here. Number two, I'm also clearly capable of doing so myself."

Ash straightened.

Ash: "Number three?"

Sera: "I'm not a child,"

I snapped and saw Lailah's eyes double in size as she lifted the cup to her lips.

Ash: "Trust me, liessa,"

Ash drawled, his voice dropping to a shadowy, silky tone that stroked all the right nerves.

Ash: "I know you are no child."

I ignored the simmering heat curling low in my stomach. Now was not the time for that nonsense.

Sera: "Good to know we are on the same page, but I wasn't done. I came here because I was worried about you."

Ash: "Liessa..."

The line of his jaw softened.

Ash: "That was four things."

Sera: "Don't even try being cute."

Attes: "Meyaah Liessa,"

he said, his head bowed so deeply that his hair tumbled forward in waves.

Sera: "That's not necessary,"

I said for what felt like the hundredth time.

Ash: "It's completely necessary."

I shot him an arch look. He simply winked at me.

Attes: "I agree with Nyktos. I'm honored to do so. It has been far too long since I have felt pleasure upon paying such respect."

The air chilled behind me.

Attes: "I would gladly spend a hundred years on my knee before you,"

he continued, his tone turning to silk.

Attes: "Both of them if you so requested that of me."

Sera: "Well, that's really not necessary at all."

I fought a grin as the temperature in the antechamber cooled more.

Attes: "Your eyes. I've never seen anything like them."

My ears prickled at the low rumble of warning coming from Ash.

A gleam sparkled in Attes's one good eye, and it had nothing to do with the eather.

Attes: "They are absolutely beautiful,"

he went on as if completely oblivious to the dark energy ramping up on the veranda.

Attes: "Stunning."

Sera: "Thanks. I guess they happened because there's never been a true Primal of Life who was born mortal, so ..."

I gave a one-shouldered shrug.

Attes: "No,"

Attes said, practically purring the word.

Attes: "There has not."

Ash: "You're showing a little too much respect,"

Ash advised cooly.

Ash: "Keep it up and you'll find yourself neutered."

Sera: "Ash."

I sighed

Ash: "The way your voice lowers when you're annoyed makes my dick hard. I'm not sure that's the desired effect."

Sera: "It's not."

Sera: "But where is Lailah?"

Attes: "I believe she returned to your training fields to take out her anger on some poor, unknowing soldier. Apparently, spending even a short amount of time with me incites such a need."

Thierran: "I have to admit,"

he said, and I arched a brow at the purr in his tone,

Thierran: "one look, and I can safely say that serving you will be far more ... pleasing."

Ash: "Careful."

Kyn: "Weren't you in a cage the last time I -"

Ash: "Finish that sentence, and I will rip out your tongue and then feed it to you,"

Ash growled, his shadows snaking out and streaming between the rows of benches.

Holding Kyn's gaze, I smiled.

Sera: "Finish it."

Ash: "I would strongly advice you against attempting that again."

My frown returned.

Sera: "Well, after that dire piece of advice, I want to try it again."

Reaver: "Nek told you to brush your hair."

Reaver picked up the comb and handed it to her. Leaning back against the base of the settee, he folded his thin arms.

Reaver: "If you don't, you're gonna get in trouble."

Her chin dipped, and her eyes narrowed until only a thin slit of those vertical pupils was visible.

Oh, no.

I recognized that look, even if she was in her mortal form.

The hand that held the comb cocked back, and like a girl after my own heart, she threw it without an ounce of hesitation.

Jadis had stopped laughing, having picked up on the swift changes in the chamber. She dropped her doll and pressed herself against Reaver, wrapping her arms around him.

Jadis: "Scary."

she whispered, her eyes bigger and rounder than I'd ever seen them.

Sera: "It's okay."

I assured her, placing a hand on each of their cheeks.

Sera: "You don't need to be scared, sweetheart. Not when Reaver is with you. He will keep you safe."

My gaze shifted to Reaver.

Sera: "Right? Remember what I asked of you before?"

He glanced between us and nodded.

Reaver: "Always."

Sera: "Ash."

Ash: "If you're saying my name, you can't be sleeping."

Sera: "I haven't fallen asleep yet."

Ash: "No shit,"

he replied dryly.

I rolled my eyes.

Sera: "I'm not a guy. I can't close my eyes and fall asleep in five seconds."

Ash: "Have you thought about trying?"

Sera: "You'll be shocked to learn I have, but that's not what I'm thinking about."

Ash: "So shocked."

I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

Ash ignored it.

I stared at the ceiling once more. Several moments passed.

Sera: "Ash?"

Ash: "Close your eyes."

My lips turned down at the corners.

Ash: "And go to sleep."

I squeaked as Ash rolled atop me. My wide eyes locked with his. Bright streaks of starlight swirled wildly in them.

Sera: "What are you doing?"

Ash: "What I said I'd do. I'm going to ensure you get your much-needed rest."

Sera: "How?"

I tried to move my arm, but his chest trapped them against me.

Sera: "By squishing me to sleep?"

Ash: "No."

His lips coasted over mine.

Ash: "I'm going to fuck you so hard that the only thing you can do afterward is sleep."

Aios: "You don't look ill."

Behind her, Bele's eyes widened, and her lips squeezed together as she stared at the fllor. I knew Aios was just being nice.

Aios: "You just look like you ... didn't sleep well."

Sera: "I think I ate something that didn't agree with me,"

I said, and Aios's brows knitted.

Sera: "I was feeling a little naiseous -"

Bele: "No sh -"

Bele caught herself as Aios's head nearly spun on her shoulders.

Bele: "-ush. No, shush it."

Bele clasped her hands together, giving me a big, closed-lipped smile.

Bele: "You look so, so energetic."

Bele: "Are you flirting with Aios? Right in front of me?"

Sera: "Yes. That's exactly what I'm doing while married to a Primal of Death."

I pinned her with a dry look, catching the glimmer of amusement in her silver eyes.

Sera: "I'm just pointing out how gracious she is for putting up with you."

Sera: "You mean like I can talk in your head."

Nektas: "Part of me wants to tell you no."

Jamison: "Listen here, miss, I don't know where you come from, but ..."

Jamison's eyes went wide the moment Nektas appeared behind me. His head tipped back as Nektas came up the steps.

Jamison: "Dear gods, you're ... enormous."

Nektas: "Thank you."

Wil: "Enormous or not,"

the other gaunt-faced guard cut in as I opened my senses to him. His name came to me. Wil Tovar. That was all I allowed myself to know about the slender, dark-haired mortal.

Wil: "Where is the rest of your clothing, my man?"

Nektas: "Mortals."

Nektas laughed softly.

Nektas: "Always so preoccupied by the flesh that they don't see what is right in front of them."

The dishes began to rattle, and thin fissures appeared in the marble tile. A blast of thunder shook the chamber, exploding the glasses on the table.

Ezra: "Oh, no!"

Ezra threw up her hands, causing her short, ivory, waistcoat to rise above her slender hips.

Ezra: "We just repaired the Great Hall from the last time."

Sera: "Does he really need to do all of this?"

Nektas smiled.

Nektas: "He does like to make an entrance."

Ash: "Your daughter is brave. More courageous than most. She is loyal, even to those who do not deserve such,"

Ash said, and his tone said he was talking about the present company as he stepped toward the table. Shadows peels away from the corner of the lamplit chamber and gathered at Ash's booted feet.

Ash: "And she cares deeply for others, even for those who, yet again, are not deserving."

Mother flinched.

Ash: "Your daughter cares deeply."

Ash's low voice echoed throughout the chamber, bringing frost with it.

Ash: "Even when doing so hurts her."

Ash: "It is only by the grace of my wife that you live. I have told you that already,"

he said as small bits of ice clung to the hem of her gown.

Ash: "But I am willing to face her anger to ensure that your sharp tongue leaves no more cuts."

Ash: "I'll take him. And I will ensure he's given our best accommodations."

Knowing he was talking about the dungeon, I snorted.

Sera: "Why did you name me after the Queen of the Vodina Isles?"

Her gaze cut back to mine.

Mother: "How...?"

Sera: "It doesn't matter how. Only why."

She stared at me for several moments, then blinked.

Mother: "Your father. He told me about the deal before we married. He wanted to give me a chance to back out, but I was already so very much in love with him."

Her voice cracked, and she inhaled sharply.

Mother: "Most would not have shared what he did, but he was a good man. Caring. Thoughtful. Loyal. You have all his good traits."

She blinked several more times, and I felt the air leave my lungs.

Mother: "I knew what I was agreeing to if we had a daughter. Like a child, I hoped that we would not, but that was not what fate had in store for us."

She swallowed again.

Mother: "When I held you, you didn't cry. You just looked up at me with your father's eyes, and I knew what you would face. I knew - or at least I believed - how it would end for you. You would need to be strong, tenacious, and even vicious to succeed. Just like the warrior Queen - the Silver Knight - who fought beside her King and slayed her enemies."

Her fingers fluttered to the jewel at her neck.

Mother: "I thought it would be a fitting name"

Sera: "I don't think I would have survived all I have - and, gods, it has been a lot,"

-my voice broke as my thoughts flashed to Kolis, and then Tavius -

Sera: "if I only had my father's traits. They didn't get me through any of it. My stubbornness and will? Even my temper?"

I laughed hoarsely.

Sera: "Those weren't only the traits of the Queen you named me after. They are also yours."

Nektas: "Your sister is very inquisitive,"

he said as we stopped near the nepeta blue.

My grin turned a lot larger then.

Sera: "How many questions did she manage to ask?"

The cool breeze lifted the long strands of his hair, tossing them across his face and chest.

Nektas: "Far more than a mortal should've been capable of doing in such a short period of time."

Sera: "Can someone grab me some water and a rag, please?"

Rhain: "On it."

Rhain took off in a blur.

Kneeling at Callum's head, Ash asked,

Ash: "Please tell me you're going to smother him with the rag and then drown him?"

I snorted.

Sera: "That wasn't exactly what I planned."

Ash: "That's disappointing."

Wishing Ash had been here to see what I was confidant had to be one badass landing, I rose.

Kars stared, his mouth hanging open.

Sera: "I'm not going to use the stairs ever again."

His lips were cool against my jaw.

Ash: "Liessa?"

Sera: "Yes?"

I breathed, staring at the open doors of the balcony beyond the pitcher and empty glasses on the table.

He lifted my gown, running his rough, calloused palm up my thigh as he used his knee to spread my legs.

Ash: "I'm going to fuck my Queen."

Ash: "He took that from you. Whatever you experienced with him, Sera? It wasn't nothing. Because I know a part of you is still there."

His voice trembled.

Ash: "Still in that cage."

Ash: "Liessa, you have nothing to apologize for."

Gods, that wasn't true.

Sera: "I scratched you."

Ash: "Barely."

Sera: "You bled."

Ash: "You've stabbed me before."

Sera: "But that was intentional. Kind of."

Bele: "I'm taking Aios to Sirta. That's where we were headed when I saw you standing in here, being all weird."

Bele took Aios's hand and started backing ip.

Bele: "I would ask you to join us, but I'm mad at you, so I'm not."

Kolis: "Come on, Seraphena. Lash out at me,"

he goaded, an achingly frigid smile playing on his lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw guards beyond the interior archway leveling their bows.

Kolis: "Or can't you get it up?"

Sera: "That sounds more like your problem."

I gave his a bloody smile.

Attes: "Is she still bleeding?"

a deeper voice asked, carrying Primal power. My head snapped in his direction. I bared my fangs at the scarred Primal. His brows shot up.

Nektas: "Either she is, or I am. Actually, both of us are."

Attes: "Then we don't want to sedate her until we find out why she hasn't healed completely."

The Primal watched me warily.

Attes: "Plus, I'm half-afraid she'll try to eat the Healer."

Someone: "I think you need to be more worried about her eating you,"

another voice came. I twisted my head to the far right, snarling at the auburn-haired god.

Someone: "Please, don't let her go."

Reaver: "Sera?"

Reaver called in a small voice. I lifted a paw. He took it and sat beside me.

Reaver: "Is ... is she okay?"

Tiny hands landed near Nektas's palm, fisting my fur. The smell of peaches and sugar reached me.

Jadis: "Sad."

Nektas: "Yes, she is sad."

I felt Jadis move closer and then her lips against the bridge of my nose.

Jadis: "There. Better."

Sera: "How can you even stand to look at me?"

His eyes widened, and his skin thinned. The temperature dropped even more.

Ash: "Are you ...?"

Eather swirled in his eyes, and shadows blossomed under his flesh.

Ash: "Are you fucking serious right now? You're honestly asking me that question?"

Sera: "I am the true Primal of Life -"

Ash: "You are Seraphena Mierel!"

His eyes flashed pure silver for a heartbeat, and the walls trembled, causing the chandelier to sway.

Ash: "You are my wife. My fucking everything. I've told you this before, and it remains the same. There is nothing you could do that would ever change what I see or how I feel when I look at you."

Sera: "I think I'm going to cry."

Ash: "Please don't."

He pressed his forehead to mine.

Ash: "I want to burn things when you cry."

Sera: "But they're happy tears."

Ash: "Tears are tears."

He was quiet for what felt like a small eternity.

Attes: “When people think of war, they imagine endless, grand battles fought across many landscapes. They think it’s nonstop violence stretching from one kingdom to the next the moment conflict erupts, leaving hallowed ground behind. In their minds, they see cities sacked and burned, left to rot along with the corpses of those who would’ve died for peace but perished for being in the way. One speaks of war, and mortals hear the pounding of warhorses’ hooves, the clash of swords, the cries of the wounded and dying, and the whistle of arrows piercing the air. They picture men who were once loving fathers and sons, gentle husbands and tender lovers, becoming blood-hungry beasts, knowing that no one, neither King nor servant, will return without pieces of them forever lost. That’s the kind of war mortals expect—that the young, in their naïvety, romanticize. Bloody, brutal, and unforgiving in its indiscriminate slaughter. That’s not the kind of war Primals and gods were meant to engage in,”

he said, causing small bumps to rise along my arms.

Attes: “However, that is the kind of war Kolis has started.”

Attes’s voice lowered, and he held my stare.

Attes: “But what mortals and even some Primals don’t realize is that there is rarely a distinct winner in that kind of war. The victor is simply the one who still stands. Not because of sheer willpower or even the greater strength in their values. The victor stands simply because of their brutality.”

One side of his lips curved up, hinting at a deep dimple in his scarred cheek.

Attes: “But they never stand for long. Because despite every life they took, every city they burned, and every family that was simply in the way as they destroyed things to reach their target, twice that will inevitably rise to raise swords against the victor. That kind of war can never be won because it never ends. There are only reprieves.”

Eather streaked across his eyes.

Attes: “But what you seek is how wars are won. Through cunning and precise actions before a single piece of armor is pierced on the battlefield. It is no less harsh, but it is not brutal. What is, is the morality of fools. The choice to make war instead of going after only those who have made the decisions that created the conflict. That is brutality.”

Sera: "I swear to the Fates, Veses, I am doing everything in my power not to slam you face-first through a wall, but you are really testing me"

Phanos: "You say you're trying to be a better person. Combined with what you've already done, that threat doesn't sound like you really mean it."

Ash: "Seraphena said she was trying to be a better person. I did not."

Aios: "Is everything okay?"

I closed the doors behind me and then faced her. Smiling, I did my best to act normal.

Sera: "Yes."

Aios: "Are you sure?"

She moved deeper into the cavernous space, her pale lavender gown swishing at her ankles. It didn't matter how many wall sconces were turned on, the light only ever cast a dull glow over the rows and rows of books and little else. But Aios was like a fiery torch in the dimness.

Aios: "Besides the fact that I wouldn't expect you to be after ... what happened, your smile says otherwise."

Sera: "What's wrong with my smile?"

Aios: "Nothing. It's just a bit large."

A pause.

Aios: "Unsettlingly so. Just like Bele's when she's faking it."

Sera: "I don't even know if I want kids. How can I be having two of them?"

Aios: "I don't believe conception hinges on what one wants."

Sera: "Maybe we should get out of the pool."

He frowned.

Ash: "Why would we need to do that?"

Sera: "Because what I'm about to tell you will probably surprise you."

I gripped the front of his shirt.

Sera: "And you might faint or something."

He frowned.

Ash: "I've never fainted."

Sera: "There's always a first time."

Ash: "With everything that has happened, I didn't want children, didn't want to expose them to what I experienced. So, I never really thought about the idea beyond that."

My fingers began to ache from how tightly I gripped him.

Another tremor ran through him.

Ash: "But I could've ... I could've lost you."

His voice cracked, and another wave of power rippled out of him, stirring the waters.

Ash: "I could've lost them."

Now, I went rigid. He sounded absolutely destroyed just thinking about the possibility.

Ash's eyes were glistening silver pools.

Ash: "If I hadn't tried to Ascend you? Or if the Ascension hadn't worked ...?"

His hands shook as he slid one to the back of my head.

Ash: "I would have lost everything and more."

Nektas: "What I saw in his eyes today ... I've never seen before."

Sera: "What did you see?"

Nektas: "It is hard to put into words."

He took a moment.

Nektas: "But it was like seeing a man who suddenly realizes they have earned everything they could ever ask for."

Sera: "My condition?"

Nektas: "Oh, dear."

Ash: 'Where are you going?"

Nektas stopped with a hand on the doorknob.

Nektas: "Anywhere but here."

Sera: "I'm going to save my rage over you knowing what her bedchamber looks like so I can take it out on her."

Kolis: "What did I tell you, Seraphena? The last time we had the pleasure of being in each other's presence?"

Sera: "I don't know. You talk a lot and yet speak only bullshit, so it's kind of hard to remember everything."

Ash: "The next time you do something like that,"

-he yanked the blade free -

Ash: "I'm going to spank you."

Sera: "Were you aiming for my heart?"

Callum: "I was."

I lifted my gaze, and a metallic taste filled my mouth again.

Sera: "Guess what?"

I gritted out, grabbing the hilt.

Sera: "You missed."

Callum sighed, shouldered slumping.

Callum: "Shit."

Kolis: "I will fuck your corpses."

The blood wasn't draining from Kolis quickly enough, in my opinion.

Ash raised a brow and moved away, reaching for the bone chains.

Ash: "I'm not sure what is more perverse,"

Ash remarked, moving toward the bone chains.

Ash: "The necrophilia or the incest."

Sera: "You partial to that spear?"

Attes's head cocked, his eyebrows furrowing.

Attes: "Not exactly."

Sera: "Good, because I'm going to need this dagger,"

I said, turning back to Kolis.

Sera: "I'm not going to waste it on you. It's too pretty."

I held it between us, wanting him to see it - wanting him to remember it.

Sera: "Besides, if you do come back? And she is reborn?"

Kolis went still.

Sera: "I will place this dagger in her hand myself. And it will be she would drives it through your heart."

Sera: "I'm actually related to that fucker Callum?"

Aydun frowned.

Aydun: "Distantly related, but yes."

My upper lip curled.

Sera: "Ew."

Ash: "You were saying?"

Sera: "I can't remember what I was saying."

Ash: "You are so easily distracted."

Sera: "In my defense, the hard cock pressing into my ass is really distracting."

Another rough sound came from him.


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